It’s Friday! Our 1st Orientation and Practice sessions begin Sunday

It’s Friday Baby….and our curling rink windows have gotten a very good clean and are ready to go for the 2020-21 season!!
We are also one day closer to our “Orientation and Practice” week, which begins on Sunday, October 18th!!
We will start off on Sunday with our Sunday Night Doubles League at 6:30.
When is your designated orientation?
Just follow your league schedule and arrive NO SOONER than 15 minutes before your draw or drop-in time!!
A note to Daytime curlers (Both “Morning Drop-In” and “Afternoon Stick Curling Drop-In”): we will be offering orientation from Monday to Friday next week…
that’s FIVE full sessions!
So lots of opportunities!
A common question:
“What if I have already done orientation? Do I have to wait until next week to Curl?”
The answer: “No…If you have already completed orientation, we welcome you to come to the club and proceed onto the ice and practice or have a pickup game…while the orientation is offered to other curlers.”
Have questions? Please feel free to call us at the club! 902-566-4427 …
Post last modified: Oct 16, 2020 @ 11:45 am

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