RBC Sports Day in Canada, presented by ParticipACTION, CBC and True Sport, will be held this year on Saturday, November 30 in communities from coast to coast to coast. This national celebration of sport, from grassroots to high-performance, is an opportunity for all Canadians to celebrate the power of sport, build community and national spirit and facilitate healthy, active living.
All seven full-time PEI curling facilities are participating in Sports Day, and are offering FREE Try Curling Open Houses at various times on that day. There will also be a draw for a $100 gift certificate at the curling facility of your choice (one draw from all seven clubs).
The Cornwall Curling Club will be giving you the chance to Try Curling from 1:30 to 3:30 pm here at 29 Cornwall Road. Bring clean sneakers, stretchy or loose pants, and a warm jacket. We provide everything else! After a brief “dry land” session, we will take you out on the ice to give it a shot! We’ll also have a few munchies afterward, and will be glad to talk to you about our Club and about this fun, yet competitive team sport.
Curling is a sport that can be played at almost any age, and by persons with physical challenges. Our Club offers both traditional curling, and the relatively new sport of 2 Person Stick Curling, where the curling rock is delivered from a standing position (our Club is the home of both the Open and Women’s Canadian 2-Person Stick Curling champions!). The Cornwall Curling Club is also fully wheelchair accessible right down to the ice level, and we welcome wheelchair curlers as well.
Join us on November 30 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm for our Sport Day “Try Curling” Open House.
For more info, call us at 566-4427 or email info@cornwallcurling.com
Click to download/print a copy of our Try Curling poster (PDF).