Kennedy edges Fowler in points scored to win Kenmac Energy Bonspiel

The annual Kenmac Energy Bonspiel was held over the weekend with a full draw of 24 teams participating. A winter storm caused a delay in play on Saturday morning but all teams still fit in three games (one six end game Friday night and two four end games on Saturday). After the three games, the Angus Kennedy and Bob Fowler teams both had accumulated the same number of points. The Kennedy team won the tiebreaker by points scored and were the overall winner of the spiel.  Gordon Matthews from Kenmac Energy was absent due to sickness so his daughter, Linda Matthews, presented the prizes on his behalf. Prizes were PetroCanada gift cards and trophies for the winners. The next five teams  also received PetroCanada gift cards.  Extra mussels and two hats from Kenmac Energy were also given as door prizes.  Vince Fisher was the winner of the 50/50 draw and the Paul Durant team won the trivia and four $10 Cornwall Curling Club gift cards.

The winning teams were:

Team Skip Mate Second Lead
1 Angus Kennedy Lorianne Davies Brent Irving Angus Davies
2 Bob Fowler Danielle Girard Carlene Peters Bernie Field
3 Barry Craswell Myrna Craswell Grant Crockett Don Steeves
4 Rupert Sweetapple Carol Sweetapple Bob MacWilliams Pam Sweetapple
5 Paul Neima Stephanie O’Keefe Brad Gardiner Dave MacSwain
6 Jeff Taylor Debby Sigsworth Alan Mason Hanny MacLeod
Trivia Paul Durant Hélène LaPalme Donald Weeks Joanne Durant

Winning team photos (with Linda Matthews representing Kenmac):

Team Kennedy


Team Fowler:


Team Craswell:

teamcraswellkenmacTeam Sweetapple:

teamsweetapplekenmacTeam Neima (Paul Neima missing from photo):

teamneimakenmacTeam Taylor:

teamtaylorkenmac(more event photos later)

The Club and organizers would like to send a huge thank you to Kenmac Energy for their continued sponsorship of this great event.  Besides trophies, prizes and door prizes, Kenmac Energy also generously supplied coffee and baked goods from their CountryStyle restaurants on Saturday morning.

Other food throughout the weekend was purchased from PEI Aqua Farms and draw sponsors Cornwall Pizza Delight and KFC.

Thank you to Club staff Bev, Al, Kelly, Ray and Lance, as well as Jeff and Debby for helping with the ice and 50/50 draws. Thank you to Carlene Peters, Joanne and Paul Durant, Frank Weiler, Angus Davies, Ankur Deshpande, Danielle Girard and Edmond Richard, and all participants to helped with set up, cleaning and food preparation. Thank to M.C. Bob Fowler. Thank you to all for a successful event!

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