KFC 12 & Under extends entry deadline, adds second event

The KFC Age 12 and Under Provincial Curling Championships will be held February 26, 2012 at the Crapaud Community Curling Club. For less experienced/competitive curlers in the same age category, KFC is also sponsoring a Fun Tournament at the same club, on March 4. It is hoped that the two events will increase overall participation, while shortening the length of each event.

Entry deadline for both events is February 10, and registration fee for each event is $20 per player. Curlers are asked to choose one event only. The Provincials have separate boys and girls divisions and will play three six-end games, while the Fun Tournament will offer three four-end matches, and players on a team may be any combination of boys and/or girls. A point system will be used in each event to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Each event also includes lunch and fun off-ice activities.

The Provincial Championship is intended for more experienced curlers who have curled for more than one year, while the Fun Tournament is open to first year curlers, with a maximum of two curlers with two or more years experience permitted on a team. Enter either event online at PEICurling.com. Payment may be made online or by cheque and must reach the PEICA by one week after the entry deadline.

Defending 12 and Under champions are the Donald DeWolfe rink from the Cornwall Curling Club and the Kaleigh MacKay team from the Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club in Summerside.

Visit PEICurling.com/12andunder for live results from the Provincial 12 and Under event. The first three finishers from the Fun Tournament will also be announced on the website.

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