New dates for Kenmac Energy Funspiel

Kenmac Energy – Propane & Oil Delivery | Propane Delivery Charlottetown PEI

The Kenmac Energy Mixed Funspiel is now set for Friday January 17 and Saturday January 18 2014. You can sign up either  as a team or single-entry. Registration is open to all. Members and non-members welcome! Save the dates for a fun time! More details as the event draws nearer! All teams must have skip and mate of opposite sex.

Entry fee is $30 per person including HST (your skip will collect before you hit the ice).

Munchies provided Friday evening, lunch and supper provided on Saturday

This event is sponsored by Kenmac Energy, your P.E.I. distributor for Petro-Canada products and  the only P.E.I. oil and propane company with a P.E.I. office.  Winter is almost here! Get in touch with Kenmac for all your home heating needs. Visit their website at or call 566-2295.

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