Round two draw for Wednesday evening Ladder League

Here is the draw for round two of the Wednesday evening Ladder League, sponsored by Murphy’s Cornwall Pharmacy and Howard Johnson Dutch Inn.

Week 1: Dec. 17
6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1:  A5-Greg Groves vs A8-Devin Schut
Ice 2:  A3-Paul Neima vs A7-Donald DeWolfe
Ice 3:  A1-Mark MacDonald vs A2-Paul Durant
Ice 4:  A4-Robert Thibodeau vs A6-Bob Fowler

8:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1:  B5-Lew Black vs B8-David Younker
Ice 2:  B3-Kim Glydon vs B7-Kristie Rogers
Ice 3:  B1-Gord Peters vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 4:  B4-Karen Currie vs B6-Kelly Watts

Week 2:  Jan. 7
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1:  B7-Kristie Rogers vs B4-Karen Currie
Ice 2:  B8-David Younker vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 3:  B6-Kelly Watts vs B5-Lew Black
Ice 4:  B3-Kim Glydon vs B1-Gord Peters

8:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1:  A7-Donald DeWolfe vs A4-Robert Thibodeau
Ice 2:  A8-Devin Schut vs A2-Paul Durant
Ice 3:  A6-Bob Fowler vs A5-Greg Groves
Ice 4:  A3-Paul Neima vs A1-Mark MacDonald

Week 3:  Jan. 14
6:30 pm A pool
Ice 1:  A6-Bob Fowler vs A8-Devin Schut
Ice 2:  A1-Mark MacDonald vs A4-Robert Thibodeau
Ice 3:  A2-Paul Durant vs A3-Paul Neima
Ice 4:  A5-Greg Groves vs A7-Donald DeWolfe

8:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1:  B6-Kelly Watts vs B8-David Younker
Ice 2:  B1-Gord Peters vs B4-Karen Currie
Ice 3:  B2-Ray Biagé vs B3-Kim Glydon
Ice 4:  B5-Lew Black vs B7-Kristie Rogers

Week 4:  Jan. 21
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1:  B4-Karen Currie vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 2:  B7-Kristie Rogers vs B6-Kelly Watts
Ice 3:  B5-Lew Black vs B1-Gord Peters
Ice 4: B8-David Younker vs B3-Kim Glydon

8:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1:  A4-Robert Thibodeau vs A2-Paul Durant
Ice 2:  A7-Donald DeWolfe vs A6-Bob Fowler
Ice 3:  A5-Greg Groves vs A1-Mark MacDonald
Ice 4: A8-Devin Schut vs A3-Paul Neima

Week 5:  Jan. 28
6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1:  A1-Mark MacDonald vs A6-Bob Fowler
Ice 2:  A3-Paul Neima vs A4-Robert Thibodeau
Ice 3:  A7-Donald DeWolfe vs A8-Devin Schut
Ice 4:  A2-Paul Durant vs A5-Greg Groves

8:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1:  B1-Gord Peters vs B6-Kelly Watts
Ice 2:  B3-Kim Glydon vs B4-Karen Currie
Ice 3:  B7-Kristie Rogers vs B8-David Younker
Ice 4:  B2-Ray Biagé vs B5-Lew Black

Week 6:  Feb. 4
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1:  B5-Lew Black vs B3-Kim Glydon
Ice 2:  B7-Kristie Rogers vs B1-Gord Peters
Ice 3:  B6-Kelly Watts vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 4:  B8-David Younker vs B4-Karen Currie

8:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1:  A5-Greg Groves vs A3-Paul Neima
Ice 2:  A7-Donald DeWolfe vs A1-Mark MacDonald
Ice 3:  A6-Bob Fowler vs A2-Paul Durant
Ice 4:  A8-Devin Schut vs A4-Robert Thibodeau

Week 7:  Feb. 11

6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1: A6-Bob Fowler vs A3-Paul Neima
Ice 2: A8-Devin Schut vs A1-Mark MacDonald
Ice 3: A5-Greg Groves vs A4-Robert Thibodeau
Ice 4: A7-Donald DeWolfe vs A2-Paul Durant

8:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1: B6-Kelly Watts vs B3-Kim Glydon
Ice 2: B8-David Younker vs B1-Gord Peters
Ice 3: B5-Lew Black vs B4-Karen Currie
Ice 4: B7-Kristie Rogers vs B2-Ray Biagé

Here are the round two team rosters by pool.  Any player can play any position, and you can change from game to game

Pool A

A1-Mark MacDonald, Brad Gardiner, Wayne Dalziel, Wayne Goodwin
A2-Paul Durant, Danny Kneabone, Alan Acorn, Aaron Campbell
A3-Paul Neima, Joe Callaghan, Ankur Deshpande, Alan Mason
A4-Robert Thibodeau, Angus Kennedy, Joe MacKinnon, Ken Monaghan
A5-Greg Groves, Winston Taylor, Donald Weeks, Marjorie Matthews
A6-Bob Fowler, Carl Currie, Thane Thompson, Danny Young
A7-Donald DeWolfe, Avery Wells, Cameron Jenkins, Nick Johnston
A8-Devin Schut, Tyson Smith, Logan Maker, Mitchell Schut

Pool B

B1-Gord Peters, Hank Kamphuis, Gerald Dykerman, Pat MacInnis
B2-Ray Biagé, Derek Gallant, Rebecca Rolfe, Derek MacEwen
B3-Kim Glydon, Morgan Kirkham, Tracy MacDonald, Krista Affleck
B4-Karen Currie, Valerie Acorn, Mark Perry, Leonard Gotell
B5-Lew Black, Hans Wicki, Colleen Neily, Hans Anderegg
B6-Kelly Watts, Cathy Handren, Paula Ling, Theresa Andrews
B7-Kristie Rogers, Elly Whitney-Coulter, Olivia MacPhail, Rachel MacLean
B8-David Younker, Kelli-Lynn Younker, Breanna Huntley, Ann Younker



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