Saturday Golf Tourney Tee Times

Here are the tee times for Saturday’s golf tournament at Countryview Golf Club, route 19 in Fairview. The weather forecast for Saturday is perfect for golfing – sun/cloud and 19 degrees.  We are still taking entries if you would like to join in the fun of this best ball tournament. Contact Karen at the Countryview Pro Shop ( or 675-2800) if you would like to participate.
Prize presentation and barbeque will follow the golf. See you there!

11:00am Tom Dunn, Danielle Girard, Helen Smith, Dave Hunt

11:05am Lester Callbeck, Merril Cronin, Allison Talbot, Eric LeBlanc

11:10am Carl Currie, Barb Arsenault, Bill Talbot, Paul Neima

11:15am Bill Hope, Lew Black, Elaine Hughes, Ray Biage

11:20am Jamie Ballem, Sandy Hope, Jean Anderson, Bernie Field

11:25am Gord Peters, Derek MacEwen, Lynda Turnbull, Dan Hughes

11:30am Kris Currie, Tony Turnbull, Pat MacArdle, Bob MacWilliams

11:35am Donald Weeks, Arleen Harris, Rob Young, Carol Sweetapple

11:40am Paul Daurant, Sherri Boutiler, Darlene Kneabone, Vern Chowan

11:45am Danny Young, Sue Doiron, Len Gotell, Rebecca Rolfe

11:50am Rick Doiron, Tracy MacDonald, Angus Davies, Brenda Campbell

11:55am Danny Kneabone, Carlene Peters, George Younker, Shelley Ebbett

12:00pm Bob Fowler, Kevin Arsenault, Paula Ling, Merrill Simpson

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