The Cornwall Curling Club’s annual 9 hole best ball golf tournament is set for beautiful Countryview Golf Club on June 21, with a shotgun start (all teams start at once) at 9:30 am. The tourney features lots of prizes from sponsors such as Countryview, Prebilt Steel, KFC, Traction Heavy Duty Parts, and Eastern Auto Supply, and will be followed by a barbecue at Countryview’s spectacular new clubhouse.
New clubhouse (we’re quite sure the snow will be gone by June 21st!)
The signup sheet will be up at the curling club this weekend, so please sign up, and we will remind you about it when the event gets nearer.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of golfing experience – the best ball “scramble” format makes it fun for everybody! Entry fee (will be very reasonable) to be determined later.