Team rosters and colours for this weekend’s Countryview Golf/PEI Brewing Co. closing spiel


Here are the colours and teams for this weekend’s closing spiel between the The Island Reds and the Country Blues. The draw will follow by Thursday afternoon.

I count five spots open, so if you still want to participate, get in touch with the Club, or with Ray Biagé or Barb Duncan-Biagé as soon as possible!

Blue Teams 2013
Ray Biagé, Lisa Arsenault, Frank Weiler, TBA
Gord Peters, Mathieu Boudreau, Shelley Murphy, Joanne Durant
Bob Fowler, Kim Nicholson, Marlene Proude, Dick MacKinnon
Barry Craswell, Debby Sigsworth, Joe Callaghan, Paul Field
Vern Chowan, Donald Weeks, Eileen Blanchard, Pat McCardle
William Nicholson, Brian Trainor, John Kamphuis, Marjorie Matthews
Paul Neima, Frank Martin, Paula Ling, TBA
Debbie Rhodenhizer, Leonard Gotell, Helen Smith, Edmond Richard
Lester Callbeck, Sandy Hope, Donnie Godfrey, Gloria Turner
Angus Davies, Marg Stewart, Nucker Richards, Carolyn Crockett
Karen Currie, Alan Acorn, Hélène LaPalme, Krista Affleck    

RED Teams 2013
Barb Duncan-Biagé, Bob Murphy, Hans Wicki, Ankur Deshpande
Paul Durant, Danielle Girard, Des Nantes, TBA
Gordie Matthews, Valerie Acorn, Grant Crockett, Jean Anderson
Bill Hope, Perry Mohan, Lynda Turnbull, Kathie Gallant
Hank Kamphius, Bob MacWilliams, Myrna Craswell, Linda Matthews    
Shelley Ebbett, Carl Currie, Peter Degrace, TBA
Greg Groves, Stephen DeGrace, Carlene Peters, Bernie Field    
Paul Arsenault, Morgan Kirkham, Alan Craswell, TBA
Lorianne Davies, Tracy MacDonald, Mark Perry, Derek MacEwen    
Kimball Blanchard, Trent Hayes, Howard MacPhail, Mabel England
Tom Dunn, Cindy Nicholson, George Younker, Barb Arsenault    

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