The Dominion Curling Club Ch’ship Volunteer Training Night

The Dominion Curling Club Championship, taking place at the Charlottetown and Cornwall  curling clubs from November 23-28,  will be holding volunteer training on Wednesday, November 10th from 6:45 pm to 9 pm at the Charlottetown Curling Club. All volunteers are asked  to attend.  At the volunteer training, you will meet the host chairs and receive your volunteer information package.  You will also learn about the event and your assignment.  Volunteer Handbooks are being emailed to all volunteers early next week, and will also be  handed out at the training night.

Also, please take the opportunity to visit our online Volunteer Information Centre and ensure that all of your contact information is correct.  If you have not already done so, please update your emergency contact information.  The Centre is found at  If you have forgotten your password, you can go to the site and click “Forget your password?”, and your password will be e-mailed to you.  Your login name is your e-mail address.  If you have issues logging in, please email Kate at

Thanks to all volunteers for your help in making this fast-approaching  national curling championship a success!

Photo (L-R): Shirley Lank, Buttons (The Dominion mascot), Susan McInnis 

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