2010-2011 rates (unchanged from last season)

All memberships, including one-draw memberships, give you the opportunity to play in members-only tournaments (entry fee applies), compete (entry fees apply) in provincial championships, book practice time on Sundays when ice is available, and spare in any league without additional cost (if you are thinking about joining another club, be sure to ask how their membership compares).

Payment terms for adult memberships are ½ due on registration night and ½ due on December 1.  Youth memberships are due at registration.

Memberships may be paid with Debit, Credit Card, cheque, or cash.  GST will be added to these rates.

Adult Membership:

One Evening Draw per week                      $195

Two Daytime sessions per week                $195

Adult Unlimited Evening Draws only     $295      

Adult Unlimited Daytime Draws only    $265

Adult Unlimited (Daytime and Evening)  $315

Couple Unlimited                                              $550

Full-time Student (19+) Unlimited            $215

Youth Memberships:

Little Rockers (ages 6-7)               

  For one session Oct-Dec or Jan-Mar      $50

  For both sessions                                           $80

Novice (8-12) and Juniors (13-20)              $120

Jr. membership plus one evening draw $215


Social Memberships (attend club functions, curl only in weekend club spiels (extra cost)  $35

Non-Members “walk on” fee per draw (when space available)    (pay at bar)

  Junior (GST incl)                                              $5

  Daytime (GST incl)                                          $7

  Evening (GST incl)                                      $10

 Locker Rentals (per season)                        $25 ( Subject to availability. May be shared – some co-ed lockers are available in hallway.)

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