From the President: Welcome to the 2010-11 Season!

Dear Members and Prospective Members:

Welcome to another exciting season of curling at the Cornwall Curling Club!  On behalf of the Board of Directors I wish all our returning and new members the best in their curling endeavors and hope that they enjoy the great comradeship and spirit of our Club.

The Cornwall Curling Club will be an exciting place this evening, with the co-hosting of The Dominion Canadian Curling Club Championship (November 23-28), The Scotties Tournament of Hearts Provincial Women’s Curling Championship (January 27-31), as well as the Rodd Provincial Senior Mixed (March) as well as our own Club curling spiels and events throughout the year.  We look forward to seeing as many people and teams as possible from our Club compete and participate in these events.

Membership Fees:  Fees will remain the same as last year.

Registration:  As usual, returning members/teams will be given priority for any draw hey curled in last year.  In the case of the Tuesday and Wednesday night team-entry leagues, there must be at least 3 returning members to keep your existing team spot, followed by 2 returning members having priority over any new teams.  Special consideration may be granted for the exception to this rule only by the Committee Chairs – Lorianne Davies and Bob Fowler jointly.  If you have any concerns about the draws, please make them known to Lorianne and Bob before registration.

 The following is a list of dates for the start of the season

Returning member registration (7-9 pm) –   Wed. October 6th

Introduction to Curling & Registration –     Tues. October 12th

Introduction to Curling & Registration –     Wed. October 13th

Introduction to Curling & Registration –    Thurs. October 14th

1st Curling Draw of the Season-                     Sun.  October 17th

 As always, the success of our club relies heavily on you our members, sponsors and volunteers.  Please let myself or any one of our Board of Directors know what is working and what isn’t.  We are committed to working hard to oversee the well-being of your club.

Have a great year in curling,

 Karen Currie, President

 Board of Directors- John DeLuca, Arleen Harris, Sean Ledgerwood, Lorianne Davies, Carol Sweetapple, Paul Durant, Sherry Boutilier, Jamie Ballem, Bob Fowler, Chris Montigny and Bev McCormick our Manager

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