Hope you are enjoying this Saturday…and some Brier curling!
We are very excited that tomorrow (March 14th) our club will be returning to gameplay after the end of the Chief Public Health Office-mandated “Circuit Breaker”, and we are also very happy to welcome non-members back to our ice and club for use. (A general overview below).
Please remember, we are all required to follow our Club’s “COVID-19 Operational Plan” as approved by the CPHO prior to the Circuit Breaker. This includes all sanitization measures, tracking sign-in, wearing masks when not seated with food or drink, staying six feet apart, etc… These measures are in place so we can continue to keep our users as safe as possible and to be able to continue to offer recreation benefits for our community members.
1.. We ask that curlers arrive no sooner than 20 minutes before their scheduled ice time, as per our CPHO approved operational plan.
2. We also ask that all those entering our Club sign in on our CPHO tracking sheets (either in the “members” book or “non-members” book accordingly) immediately upon arriving at the club. We are required by the CPHO to provide “enhanced tracking”, which this means we must make sure everyone is signed in. Please support our staff, who are required to cross-reference the sign-in sheet, by making sure everyone in your group is signed in.
3. Given public health concerns, our Club requires that everyone sanitize their hands immediately upon entering our club. This is in accordance with our approved operational plan with CPHO.
4. You must wear masks while in the clubhouse at all times if not SEATED with food or drink.
5. You must make every effort to stay six feet apart.
6. All rocks must be sanitized before play begins.
7. All scoreboard number cards must be sanitized after play ends.
8. Two sweepers are allowed.
9. Masks are not required on ice.
10. Only two people are permitted in the restrooms at a time.
11. Follow all floor markers.
We ask that those who lead each group Sunday (ie. Organizers, Drawmasters, Program Facilitators, skips, rental leads/organizers, etc) support curlers in remembering to sign in, sanitize, and proceed to the correct areas/tables and sheet numbers (as noted below).
Our Club Attendant/Bartender will be on-site to help direct people and to answer any questions you may have.
Table Rotation/Delegation for Sunday:
(Please proceed to the following area/table/sheet according to your group)
*Early Morning Drop-In 8:45 to 9:45: Rectangular tables (Section 1) according to your sheet number.
*CT Drop-In: 10 am to 12 noon: Round tables (section 2) 1,2,3, and Sheets #1,2,3…
*Doubles Game ( Irving/Sanderson vs Milton) 10 am to 12 noon: round table (section 2) #4 and sheet #4.
*ParaSport 12noon to 1 pm: rectangular tables (section 1) 1 and 2 and sheets #1 and 2.
*VS rental 12 pm to 1 pm: rectangular table (section 1) #3 and sheet # 3 ,
*DR Rental 12 pm to 2 pm: rectangular table (section 1) #4 and sheet #4.
*Little Rockers Curling 1 pm to 2 pm: round table (section 2) #1 sheet #1.
*Novice Curling 2pm to 3pm: rectangular tables (section 1) 1, 2, and 3. Sheet numbers 1, 2, and 3.
*Club Championship 3:10 pm to 6:10 pm will go to round table numbers (section 2) according to their draw sheet number. Club Vice-President Peter Murdoch will be on hand to provide support.
*Doubles Curling 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm will proceed to rectangular tables (section 1) numbered according to their draw sheet.
* JL rental 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm will proceed to the round tables (section 2) numbered #1 and #2 and curl on sheets 1 and 2.
Thank you for your support as we continue to provide safe sport and recreation in our community.
Please feel free to email us at cornwallcurling@eastlink.ca
The Cornwall Curling Club