Daytime Curling Closing Fun Draw, April 12

First Draw begins at 9:30 am- Please be ready to go
Second Draw at 10:30am

1st Draw 9:30am
Ice 1-  Sterling  Stratton, Nucker Richards, Dave Hunt    vs. Ray Biage, Lew Black, Helene LaPalme, Mabel England

Ice 2- Grant  Laird, Donald Weeks, Carlene Peters, Frank Legault,  Vs. Lester Callbeck, Vern Chowan, Elaine Hughes, Bill Talbot

Ice 3-  Charlie Campbell, Ron Giggey, Jessie MacPhail, Fidel Richard  Vs. Paul Arsenault, Marg Stewart, Clarence Mallard, Barbara Campbell

Ice 4-  Carol  Sweetapple, Merrill Cronin, George Younker, Jean Anderson  vs. Danielle Girard, Al MacCormac, Helen Smith, Cliff Sentner

2nd Draw 10:30 am

Ice 1-  John Deluca, Bernie Field, Roy Coffin, Don Graham    vs.  Ice 1 Winner   of 9:30AM draw

Ice 2- Bob MacWilliams, Mary Plamondon, Don Crozier, Adrian Clarke,  vs. Ic2  Winner of  9:30am draw

Ice 3- Tom Dunn, Gloria Clarke, Bob Hawkins, Stan  Hayes  Vs. Ice 3 Winner of  9:30 am draw

Ice 4- Frank Weiler, Evelyn Rogerson, Alison Talbot  vs.  Ice 4 Winner of 9:30 am draw

Draw 11:30 a m.
Losers of   Ice 1 9:30am draw  VS.  John DeLuca team

Losers of Ice 2 9:30 am. draw  VS. Bob MacWilliams team

Losers of Ice 3 9:30am draw VS. Tom Dunn Team

Losers of Ice 4 9:30am draw  VS. Frank Weiler team


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