General meeting Oct. 28 regarding a proposed bylaw change.

bylawsThe Cornwall Curling Club is run a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of Club members. These Board members currently serve a three year term (four years if you become President in your third year and remain as Past President). It was suggested at our spring Annual General Meeting that recruitment of new Board members would be easier if it was less of a commitment, i.e. two years instead of three.

This is official notice that a general meeting has been called for October 28 2014 at 8:25 pm (between the two evening draws) to seek approval to amend the Club bylaws to change the term.

Further background information (from discussions held at the AGM):

It was pointed out that two years terms would require more recruiting, as Board members would be coming and going more often. There was also a concern that it would be more difficult for Board members to make effective decisions, as it can take a full year to become familiar with the position, Club operation, Bylaws and Constitution, etc.

The current Bylaws stipulate that a member may not serve two consecutive terms. In order to give Board members who wish to stay longer, and cover off the learning curve, the bylaw would be changed to allow a Board member to serve two consecutive terms (subject to AGM approval at the end of the first term.

There was also a suggestion that a replacement for Board member who leaves partway through a term would only fill the remainder of the term. Upon reading the bylaws, this is the status quo, so no change would be needed.

It was agreed to at the AGM that a meeting would be held in the fall to seek approval.

Note that the change would apply to incoming Board members starting at the spring 2015 AGM, and would not apply to incumbent Board members.

Current bylaw clauses that would require change:

2.1.6             Each Director shall be elected for a term of three (3) years ending at the third annual meeting after the Directors’ election.

2.1.7             Each year, four (4) Directors shall be elected to fill vacancies created by retiring Directors.

2.1.8             No Director shall be eligible for election to consecutive three-year terms.

2.1.11          Any Director may be removed before the expiration of the Director’s three-year term by an affirmative majority vote of the Directors present at any regular meeting of the Board or at a special meeting duly convened for that purpose. Another person may be elected by simple majority vote to hold office for the unexpired portion of the three-year term of the Director so removed.

Proposed new wording:

2.1.6             Each Director shall be elected for a term of two (2) years ending at the second annual meeting after the Directors’ election.

2.1.7             Each year,  Directors shall be elected to fill vacancies created by retiring Directors to achieve the full complement of 12 Directors.

2.1.8             No Director shall be eligible for election to more than two consecutive two-year terms.

2.1.11          Any Director may be removed before the expiration of the Director’s two-year term by an affirmative majority vote of the Directors present at any regular meeting of the Board or at a special meeting duly convened for that purpose. Another person may be elected by simple majority vote to hold office for the unexpired portion of the two-year term of the Director so removed.

Link to current bylaws

The meeting will be short, and Club members wishing to vote are requested to read the proposed changes in advance, in order to reduce the meeting time. Please feel free to contact any current Board member in advance if you have questions or require further information. Amendment requires an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the adult members present at any general meeting of the Club.


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