All systems are go for 2014-2015 season at the Cornwall Curling Club! Lance Lowther and our ice crew have started the ice plant, and did the initial ice flood on Saturday morning. The Jet Ice tanks have arrived, too. Our Manager, Bev McCormick, is in the office this week, and our phone number, (902) 566-4427, is now active for the season. Call or drop in with any questions you may have about the Club.
The Board of Directors met this evening, and, among other things, discussed the very important issue of bar prices. They are pleased to announce that they’re the same as last year, with bottled beer and shots with pop or juice at $4, wine at $4.25, Caesars, Bailey’s with hot chocolate, Kaluha with coffee, coolers, and Mott’s Caesars (bottled) at $4.75. Draft beer hasn’t been priced, as we didn’t know the current prices, but it will likely be the same as last year.
This is another reminder that our returning menber’s registration night is Oct. 8, and our free curling school/open house/new members registration goes Oct. 14, 15, 16 (more info coming up on these).