REMINDER: Founders Award Nominations for Volunteer of the Year are Now Open!

Have you seen someone do an outstanding job volunteering at the Cornwall Curling Club this season? If so, please tell us about it!

The Cornwall Curling Club acknowledges and recognises the immeasurable contributions volunteers make to the Club continually throughout the season. The dedication of our membership is what has been, and continues to be, the driving force behind the success of our Club. Without these volunteers, the Club would not be what it is today.

To recognize the amazing efforts of our members, we were pleased to launch a new award last season – the “Founders Award” for Volunteer of the Year at the Cornwall Curling Club. This award is now presented annually to an outstanding, exceptional and dedicated member of the Cornwall Curling Club at the Annual General Meeting.

The Cornwall Curling Club started because of the dedication and commitment of the founding members who believed in the dream of having a curling club in Cornwall. Today, the success of the club is largely based on the same desires of having a welcoming, reputable, and enjoyable curling club.

Every year, members of the curling club donate their time in many ways and it does not go unnoticed. There is a significant amount of time and effort dedicated to preparing the club for opening, special events, league play, general maintenance and much more! The outstanding and much appreciated efforts of our membership is acknowledged by the Board of Directors by the creation of the Founders Award.

The recipient of this award will receive recognition at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, with presentation of a certificate and plaque.

Members of the Cornwall Curling Club are encouraged to nominate their fellow deserving club mates for the Founders Award!

The nomination criteria include:

  • Must be a Cornwall Curling Club member from the 2023-2024 season, in good standing.
  • No paid employees can be nominated.
  • No Board of Director members can be nominated.

To nominate a fellow member, please send an email or letter to which contains the name of the nominee and a brief description of their contribution to the Cornwall Curling Club. 

The deadline to nominate is Friday, April 19, 2024.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or any other member of the Board of Directors.

Sue Pollard (Volunteer Chair) & the Board of Directors

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Red & Blue Updates: Registration is Full – Seeking Volunteers, Spares, and Door Prizes!

The 2024 Red & Blue Bonspiel is currently FULL!!!

That’s 96 curlers signed up to participate in the Friday and Saturday event (and that doesn’t count the multiple junior curlers who will or have participated in their own Red & Blue events OR the sixteen stick curlers who will be competing next Wednesday in their own event).

If you are signed up for the weekend event you should receive an email today with some information.  If you didn’t receive an email and think you should be registered please reach out to me ASAP!

The teams list will be posted on Monday, April 1st.


With so many people signed up it is inevitable that we’ll have people have to drop out last minute and/or who will need a spare for one of the draws.  

If you are interested in being placed on the spare list, please email the club manager or sign up at the club on the bulletin board.  We’ll need your name and which draws you would be available!


As with all of our major events, we are in need of volunteers to help everything run smoothly.  If you are available for any of the slots below please let the club manager know or sign up at the club


Last but certainly not least, each year we seek donations of door prizes to hand out at the banquet.  In the past members have donated gift certificates, greens fees, household items, etc.  If you have an item you would like to donate, you can drop it off anytime next week at the club!

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Red and Blue Current Standings

It’s hard to believe but the Red & Blue has officially kicked off already!

The Sunday Junior Curling program got the ball started last week where the Red Team took a commanding early lead.

Yesterday, the Novice Curlers tied in their matchup.

So after two groups the standings currently look like:

Our Stick and Junior curler groups will be participating in their Red & Blue events on Wednesday, April 3rd before the weekend spiel kicks off on Friday, April 5th.

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Gushue has nothing on Kneabone, who three-peats Monday Mixed League!

Brad Gushue recently won his third consecutive Brier title, but last night Danny Kneabone pulled off the impressive season sweep of the Monday Night Mixed League – skipping the winning teams in each of the three rounds this season.

His team this round included Ellen Milligan, Bill McGuire, and John Clark.

They needed every point this round, squeaking by the Greg Groves skipped team by an incredibly tight half point over the seven week round.

Congrats to Team Kneabone and thanks to the PEI Food Island Partnership for donating some copies of Canada’s Food Island: A Collection of Stories and Recipes from Prince Edward Island!


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U16 Curling League Wraps Up A Great Season

The U16 Curling League finished up their season yesterday.  The league had six teams this season with 10 rounds (including playoffs).  

Taking first was Team Savill (Aiden Savill, Oliver MacEwen, Landon Seaman, and Aaron Haight).

Second place went to Team Beaton (Kolin Beaton, Owen Milton, Ben Bradley, and Kane MacKinnon – spare: Colin Waite).

Third place was Team Pater (Veronica Pater, Kenna Warnell, Sophie Gallant, and Gracie MacIntyre – spare: Ashlyn MacDonald)

Congratulations to all the teams on a great season and we look forward to next year’s U16 Curling League!

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No Parking on Seymour Drive

The Town of Cornwall has asked that we remind our members and guests that there is no street parking on Seymour Drive.

Especially with the Red & Blue coming up we would like to remind members that if the parking lot at 29 Cornwall is full to use the overflow parking behind Murphy’s Pharmacies. 

This will help us keep good relations with neighbors!


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Congrats to Marg Stewart & Bernie Field – Maritime Stick Curling Women’s Champions!

We had several members of the club competing in the Maritime Stick Curling Championships held at West Prince Curling Club last week.

Our very own Marg Stewart & Bernie Field defeated fellow Islanders Stephanie Grills and Susan Thorbourne from the Montague Curling Club in the finals of the Women’s Division to take home the trophy.


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No curling today@ 12:30pm today – ice will reopen at 4pm

Due to ongoing ice plant maintenance/upgrades there will be no curling March 20th.  

The ice will be ready by 4pm today for the afternoon/evening schedule.

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Red and Blue to undergo name change as exciting things happening at Cornwall Curling Club

As renowned curler William Shakespeare said: “Winning this bonspiel, even by any other name, will still be just as sweet” 

By Bill McGuire 
Public Relations Chair 
Cornwall Curling Club 

If you mention ‘Red and Blue’ at this time of the year anywhere else on PEI except in Cornwall and area, you will likely get a query if someone was involved in an accident, mishap or brawl – and how extensive are the red welts and purple bruises. 

Fortunately, things are not that physical on the ice at the Cornwall Curling Club. 

The Red and Blue is the well-known nickname for the annual closing bonspiel to mark the end of another curling season. Curlers are grouped into two divisions – based on the colour of the rocks — and then battle each other on the ice for wins, points, title and bragging rights. Players basically remain in the same group for life – until those handles are pried from their cold, arthritic hands. 

The competition is friendly but intense and this year will be no exception. The bantering has already started, and those bragging rights will carry over well into the new year. 

Red and Blue bonspiel co-chairs Shauna McGill and Sue Pollard – the past president and social committee chair respectively on the board of directors – have been hard at work for weeks organizing the event and are confident it will match the success of the April 2023 historic finale. 

Last season, the Red and Blue was selected as the bonspiel to celebrate the Cornwall Curling Club’s 40th anniversary. There were several special events during the closing spiel to mark 40 years of curling in Cornwall, and original Founders, board members and volunteers were singled out for special attention and thanks – those original members who played a key role in founding the club and guiding it through its formative years. 

All that being said, this will likely also be the last year for the long-running Red and Blue bonspiel – well, sort of. 

But, fear not, the bonspiel will continue, only under a slightly different name, the Red and Yellow. As Shakespeare said, a rose by any other name will smell just as sweet. 

The colour change is one of necessity since the blue rock handles are being retired at the end of this season and are being replaced by the more popular and widely used yellow handles. This will all come to pass if our new rocks arrive in time for the 2024-2025 season and the club’s board of directors feel confident this will happen. The new handles will go on the new rocks and hopefully that will occur by this fall. 

You can watch any bonspiel or curling event on television or go into any other curling club, and most rock handles are red and yellow. The board of directors decided on the colour change after a number of requests from members, because the blue handles are simply harder to see, especially at the far end during game action. Blue stones on blue circles are just a tough combination. 

Our rocks are more than 42 years old, have different weights and the striking bands are worn. For the past three years, the club has held a fundraiser to replace the aging stones, and now, with some expected government help, it looks like our five-year timetable for new rocks will advance by a couple of years. 

A positive decision on the provincial government help to assist the club’s fundraising efforts to buy new rocks is expected this spring. If that happens, then rocks will be ordered shortly afterward and should be here and ready for use this fall, in time for the start of the 2024-2025 season. The total cost will be over $70,000. 

Board members have been busy selling new yellow handles most of the season and the final one or two were just sold in recent days, so members, sponsors and businesses will have their names on the new handles for many years to come. 

A new tradition will launch next year – the Red and Yellow. It may sound a little different for the first year or so, and who knows, the ‘Red and Yeller’ might become a popular nickname. Several full-voiced skips at the club – and you know who you are – may appreciate it. 

One curler suggested – perhaps tongue-in-cheek – that Ketchup and Mustard might be an apt nickname in the future, with the MVP or top team being named the Hotdog award winner. 

But back to the April 5-6 final Red and Blue. 

The sign-up sheet has been busy with room for just a few more slots out of the 96 spots available, said club manager Travis Jones. 

McGill says it’s encouraging to see such strong support and she and Pollard are hopeful of a sellout. “It’s looking good to a full field.” 

Teams will play three, six-end games — one Friday night and two more on Saturday – sandwiched around a 1:00pm banquet (a hot roast beef dinner) “to accommodate as many curlers as possible,” said McGill. 

“That started last year to have more people available for the meal.” Daytime curlers and others who participate in the Red and Blue can come out to the banquet. The awards presentations will take place immediately after the final game late Saturday afternoon. 

“Juniors and younger curlers have their own competition, and stick curlers and some daytimers, along with evening curlers,” will all compete in the Red and Blue. Each group will keep track of their points, and they will be added to the Red and Blue totals at the end of play April 6 to determine the overall winner. Eight daytime teams will join 16 evening teams for the two-day final bonspiel. 

McGill said Team Blue has won the past two years, much to her chagrin, since she plays on Team Red. McGill says she is looking forward to getting revenge this year, especially since manager Jones insists on adding “GO BLUE” at the end of every email. “He likes to rub it in.” 

McGill said registration is $40 which includes three games, breakfast, the banquet, snacks and a chance for some door prizes and team prizes. 

“If anyone wants to contribute to the door prizes, we will take anything they can give us.” 

McGill said there has been no title sponsor the past several years after the previous sponsor decided to switch to supporting a decal on the ice surface. “So, it’s a club run event, with donations.” 

McGill said she’d like to see a title sponsor come forward as the club has much success with sponsorships for other bonspiels and events during the year. (Another update on Cornwall club sponsors is coming soon to the website.) 

The Red and Blue is normally held a week earlier but because this year the Good Friday and Easter holiday weekend is the end of March, it was decided to avoid a conflict and go a week later with the club closer. 

Then on Sunday, April 7, in another Cornwall tradition, the Little Rockers, Novices, and Junior curlers can go skating on the official last day before the plant is shut off for the season. 

Players are encouraged to wear red or blue clothing during the closing bonspiel, an area where McGill noted there’s been some good-natured opposition to the name change. 

“The Blues are going to be yellow. I’m not sure how that’s gonna go over. Paul Neima was telling me he has a tickle trunk full of blue stuff that he whips out just for the Red and Blue. Now he has to buy a whole new wardrobe.” 

“I’m not sure how many people have yellow clothing stashed away. They’re gonna look like canaries out there. I’m just happy to stick with my red.” 

McGill said, “I just want to encourage all curlers to come out. They’ll love this fun event. It’s a great way to come out and play or do some sparing … show some spirit.” 

McGill said she and Pollard are always looking for more volunteers to help. “It’s always appreciated. There’s a lot of stuff going on and we need some extra help. There’s a volunteer and sponsor signup sheets at the club so anyone who would want to help out or volunteer would be great.”  

The Red and Blue ends a very busy and productive season in Cornwall. Manager Jones says the club forwarded dues for some 430 curlers to Curl PEI. Except for Saturday, December 23 (during midseason maintenance), the club was busy every Saturday and weekend with bonspiels, rentals, club events and clinics from opening day in October to the upcoming closing in April.  

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Congrats to Team Doherty – Winners of Wednesday Daytime League

The Wednesday Daytime League moved to a round robin this season and Team Doherty (Robbie Doherty, Garth Cudmore, Edgar Coffin, Billy Doherty, and Paul Arsenault) won the league with an impressive 12-2 record.

They received Cornwall Curling Club gift certificates compliments of the Daytime Committee.

Clow’s Red & White also generously donated some free meat pies for draw prizes!

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Congrats to the Club’s 55+ Games Medalists!

Several members of the club participated in the 55+ Games curling events recently and brought home some medals!

In the open curling division, club member Sharon McGuigan was on the gold medal team, while Garth Cudmore and Edgar Coffin brought home silver medals.

Gold Medalist Sharon McGuigan

Silver Medalists Edgar Coffin and Garth Cudmore

In the women’s curling division the team of Shirley Berry, Ellen Milligan, Gloria Turner, and Sandra Sobey were the silver medalists.

Silver Medalists Shirley Berry, Ellen Milligan, Gloria Turner, and Sandra Sobey

In the men’s stick curling division, Chuck Sawatsky and Don Gosse got the silver.

Silver Medalists Chuck Sawatsky and Don Gosse

And, in the women’s stick curling division Etta Reid and Elaine Hughes won the gold, while Ruth Stavert and Janette Fraser brought home the bronze medal.

Gold Medalists Etta Reid and Elaine Hughes

Bronze Medalists Ruth Stavert and Janette Fraser

Congratulations to everyone!

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Congratulations to Team Power for winning the PEI Club Curling Championships!

Emily Best, Sara Spafford, Amanda Power – along with Janique LeBlanc (in phone photo) will be representing PEI at the 2024 Everest Funeral Concierge Canadian Curling Club Championships!

Cornwall’s 2024 Club Champions, Team Power, won the 2024 PEI Club Championships this weekend at the new West Prince Curling Club!

After going 6-1 during the round robin, they defeated the West Prince team in the first round of the playoffs to face off against the Crapaud team that had defeated them in a tight game in the round robin. 

Since Crapaud was undefeated, the Cornwall team had to win two in a row to secure the title.  They stole one in the 8th of the first game to force a winner-take-all final showdown, where they prevailed 7-3 to claim the championship.

The victory was even more impressive considering they played the entire weekend with three players!

They will represent PEI at the 2024 Everest Funeral Concierge Canadian Curling Club Championships from November 17th-23rd in Barrie, Ontario.

Team Spence, the Cornwall men’s champion, also represented us well, going 2-3 in the round robin with a few tight losses.  

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ParaSport Minispiel Wrap Up

The annual ParaSport Minispiel was held on Saturday.

Team Nick (Nick, Tom, Travis, Donald, and Shelley) won the event over Team Stella (Stella, Marlis, Italo, Cathy, and John).

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We even introduced a new game to the club – called Curl Bowling by some but also known as Evict by some.  

Thank you to Bill McGuire, Carlene Peters, and Gloria Turner for volunteering during the event and of course Vivian Nguyen from ParaSport as well! 

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We posted a change to this week’s schedule at the end of last week, but due to a part delay we have had to adjust the update: 

Tuesday, March 19th: Will now be a normal Tuesday with daytime drop-in at 10:00am and the Tuesday Stick League play in the afternoon.

Wednesday, March 20th:  There will be NO drop-in availability on Wednesday.  We HOPE to have the ice ready for 4-person drop-in curling at 12:30pm – but keep an eye on the website throughout the day Wednesday.  The ice plant will be undergoing maintenance first thing in the morning to make some upgrades and will be off for several hours that morning.  

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The following schedule changes for next week: 

Tuesday, March 19th: No 10am Drop-in Curling due to ice plant maintenance/upgrades

Wednesday, March 20th:  Now that the Wednesday Daytime League is over Wednesday at 10:00am will be a DROP-IN time and there will be AFTERNOON STICK DROP-IN at 12:30pm

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The club stays pretty busy throughout the season – with league play, drop-in curling, practices, and ice maintenance going most weekdays from 10:00am to 10:30pm.

This season we also hosted over 20 spiels (club, provincial, rentals) as well as multiple rental groups.  

While we try to post everything on the website, social media, and the bulletin board some times it’s hard to keep track of what’s happening when.

So we have added a NEW PAGE to the website – a page you can always go to to see what is happening THIS week and NEXT week. 

Simply click on:  This Week’s Schedule

You can find it on the website by clicking on the SCHEDULE menu heading and then clicking THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE

We’ll update the page each Monday and as needed throughout the week and changes from normal will be highlighted in BOLD text.  

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Registration is filling up fast for the Red & Blue – don’t miss out!!

We only have 8 slots in our EVENING division and 1 last slot remaining in our DAYTIME division of the Red & Blue! 

There’s still time to register AND we will be beginning a waiting list for both divisions as well (invariably as the event approaches people’s plans change, illnesses happen, etc. so if you don’t make the initial registration please still sign up for the waitlist!)

NOTE:  The DAYTIME DIVISION will have a game at 1pm on Friday and TWO games on Saturday (one in the morning, one in the afternoon).  The EVENING DIVISION will have a game at either 6:30pm or 8:15pm on Friday and TWO games on Saturday (one in the morning, one in the afternoon)

For more information about the Red & Blue Bonspiel check out:




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REMINDER: ParaSport Minispiel Registration is OPEN

UPDATE:  We need a few more curlers to fill out a four team draw – if you are available please reach out to the club manager!

Our ParaSport Minispiel is scheduled for Saturday, March 16th with draws at 2pm and 4pm with a pizza social at 5:30pm.

This event is a partnership between ParaSport and Recreation PEI and our Club, in which para-athletes and Club members team up to play two four-person per team six-end games.

Besides the two games, your $10 entry fee includes a pizza dinner as well, plus a chance to win prizes too! 

There are limited spots available, so signup NOW, in advance of the March 13th deadline to avoid missing out!

Curlers can register for this single-entry mini-spiel at the Club, no up-front fee is required – pay on the day of the event.
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REMINDER: Annual Red & Blue Bonspiel Registration is OPEN!

UPDATE:  At present we have the following openings remaining for the Red & Blue

Daytime Division: 2 Blue Players, 6 Red Players 
General Division: 8 Blue Players, 12 Red Players

NOTE:  People who are NEW to the event will be randomly assigned to one of the teams

It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start registration for our annual closing event – the Red & Blue Bonspiel!

While sadly it marks the end of our curling season, the event is always a highlight of the calendar with loads of fun curling, eating great food, hanging out with other club members and, of course, the playful but intense competition between the Red and Blue teams!

For those who are new to the club or haven’t participated in the past – each member is assigned to either the Red team or, if you are lucky, you’ll be assigned to the Blue team. 

  • You’ll remain on this team for the rest of your time as a member of the club
  • If you and a family member are playing, we place you on opposing teams to up the ante

We have events throughout the week with our juniors and stick curlers as well – and their points are counted toward the weekend scoring. On Friday and Saturday the games are played with a skins format and each team earns “money” toward their teams account.

The team with the highest scores at the end of the event are crowned the champions and get bragging rights for an entire year!  

In addition to the curling there is a banquet on Saturday, trivia, and prizes for highest scoring teams and random door prizes!

Cost is $40 per curler and registration can be found on the bulletin board at the club.  

If you want to attend the banquet only the cost is $20. 

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Wed. Eve. Ladder League – Round 3 Draw and Schedule

Here are the draw and schedule for the final Wednesday evening Ladder League draw of the season. We’ve been fortunate to have had no draw cancellations this year, leaving us with four weeks left for a “mini” draw.

The “A” pool will get the early draw the first week, as they had the late draw the last week of Round Two. Picking definitive winners will be difficult in a partial draw with byes, so the final results will be open to interpretation!

Here is the draw/schedule for Round Three:

  Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4 Bye
Wk1: Mar 13 6:30
A Pool
A9-Bodner v A7-Hanzl A5-Neima v A4-MacDonald A8-Boswall v A2-Arsenault A1-Milligan v A6-Groves A3-MacKenzie
Wk1: Mar 13 8:30
B Pool
B9-Beaton v B7-Younker B5-McInnis v B4-Stewart B8-Kamphuis v B2-Watts B1-Whynot v B6-Griffin B3-Callin
Wk2: Mar 20 6:30
B Pool
B2-Watts v B5-McInnis B8-Kamphuis v B6-Griffin B7-Younker v B1-Whynot B9-Beaton v B3-Callin B4-Stewart
Wk2: Mar 20 8:30
A Pool
A2-Arsenault v A5-Neima A8-Boswall v A6-Groves A7-Hanzl v A1-Milligan A9-Bodner v A3-MacKenzie A4-MacDonald
Wk3: Mar 27 6:30 A Pool A3-MacKenzie v A2-Arsenault A9-Bodner v A1-Milligan A4-MacDonald v A6-Groves A8-Boswall v A5-Neima A7-Hanzl
Wk3: Mar 27 8:30 B Pool B3-Callin v B2-Watts B9-Beaton v B1-Whynot B4-Stewart v B6-Griffin B8-Kamphuis v B5-McInnis B7-Younker
Wk4: Apr 3 6:30
B Pool
B1-Whynot v B8-Kamphuis B7-Younker v B3-Callin B5-McInnis v B9-Beaton B2-Watts v B4-Stewart B6-Griffin
Wk4: Apr 3 8:30
A Pool
A1-Milligan v A8-Boswall A7-Hanzl v A3-MacKenzie A5-Neima v A9-Bodner A2-Arsenault v A4-MacDonald A6-Groves

(Drag to scroll left or right to view entire table on narrow touchscreens).

Click this link to download a printable version: Wed. PM Ladder League Draw 3 – v2

A Pool B Pool
A1-Milligan B1-Whynot
A2-Arsenault B2-Watts
A3-MacKenzie B3-Callin
A4-MacDonald B4-Stewart
A5-Neima B5-McInnis
A6-Groves B6-Griffin
A7-Hanzl B7-Younker
A8-Boswall B8-Kamphuis
A9-Bodner B9-Beaton


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Team Milligan repeats as Wed. Ladder League A Pool winners, Team Hanzl wins the B Pool

It was a repeat A Pool win for the team of Gary and Ellen Milligan, Wanetta Whitmore, and Scott Ellis as round two of the Wednesday Evening Ladder League wrapped up this week.

“A” Pool Winners – Team Milligan (L-R): Gary Milligan, Ellen Milligan, Wanetta Whitmore, Scott Ellis

Meanwhile, there was a new team at the top of the “B” Pool, skipped by Matej Hanzl, with teammates Kevin Kane, Richard MacEwen, and Karen Edgar. Both the Milligan and Hanzl teams had only one loss in the round.

“B” Pool Winners – Team Hanzl (L-R): Karen Edgar, Richard MacEwen, Kevin Kane, Matej Hanzl

There’s good news on the prize front! Cody Whynot was able to obtain prizes for the winning team in this round. The Milligan squad, who also won the A Pool in Round One, will each receive an 18 hole green fee for the beautiful Clyde River Golf Club, 72 Clyde River Rd Route 247 in
Clyde River, while the Hanzel team members will each receive a ten dollar gift certificate good at J.R.’s Pizza and Dairy Bar, “Home of the Massive Slice” at 655 Capital Drive in Cornwall.

Looking at the A Pool scoresheet, Team Arsenault, skipped by Laura Arsenault, was second with 6 wins, while Tyler MacKenzie and his team came third  with 5 wins, and the Mark MacDonald foursome finished fourth with four victories. All these teams remain in the A Pool for Round Three..

Four A Pool teams, captained by Greg Groves, Cody Whynot, Kelly Watts, and Paul Neima, had three wins, with two of them descending to the “B” pool for the next round, along with Team Doug Callin (2 wins), Looking at head to head results, the Watts rink lost to the other three teams and will be one of the teams dropping down, along with the Cody Whynot team, who lost to both the Groves and Neima rinks.

Moving up from the B to the A Pool for Round Three will be the Hanzl team, and the Bodner and Boswall squads, each with six victories,

Here are the teams for Round Three, which starts on March 13, and wraps up April 3. The A Pool will have the 6:30 pm draw the first week as they had the late draw the last week of Round 2. The Round Three draw will be sent out later this weekend.

A Pool B Pool
A1-Milligan B1-Whynot
A2-Arsenault B2-Watts
A3-MacKenzie B3-Callin
A4-MacDonald B4-Stewart
A5-Neima B5-McInnis
A6-Groves B6-Griffin
A7-Hanzl B7-Younker
A8-Boswall B8-Kamphuis
A9-Bodner B9-Beaton


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Volunteers Needed for ParaSport Minispiel

We are looking for a few volunteers to help out with the upcoming ParaSport Mini Bonspiel happening on Saturday, March 16th!

We are looking for one volunteer to help out with the setup of the space and the arrival of the curlers before the Bonspiel begins. Volunteers need to be at the curling club for 1:30pm.

Additionally, we are looking for 1 or 2 more volunteers to help serve food and tidy up after the event. Volunteers helping with meal time are asked to be at the club for 4:30pm.

If you are interested in helping out with the fun event, please respond to Sue Pollard or the club manager.

Thank you kindly for offering to help with events at the Cornwall Curling Club! 

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REMINDER: The Club Website Is BEST Place to Check For Schedule Changes

We do our best to communicate with club members whenever there is a change to the club schedule – particularly during inclement weather.

However, there are times when the manager doesn’t have access to the club computer and its email lists, there are times (like today) when a reminder email is sent but gets stuck for hours in cyberspace, etc.  

So the BEST option whenever there is a doubt about the club schedule is always to CHECK THE CLUB WEBSITE at – we almost always have access to the website via a smartphone if necessary and it is always the FIRST and MOST UP TO DATE form of contact we have with club members.  

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Condolences to Nancy FitzGerald and family on passing of her mother , Phillis MacDonald

The club would like to extend its condolences to Nancy FitzGerald and her family at the passing of her mother, Phillis Mary MacDonald.


The death occurred peacefully at Beach Grove Home on March 4, 2024, her 94th birthday, of Phyllis Mary MacDonald (nee MacKinnon) formerly of Cornwall and Churchill. Wife of the late Oliver MacDonald. Loving mother of Nancy (Mike) FitzGerald, Harvey (Claudia), Gordon (Janet), Debbie (Laurie) Downe, Elric (Colleen), Valerie (David) Worth and Fay (Alan) Worth. Grandmother of Darran (Tracey), Craig (Jim Rogers), Alexander, Rebecca, Meredith (Dominic) Downe Westwood, Monica (Alexandre Simo) Downe, Nicholas (Tamara), Caleigh (Curtis) Chaisson, Sarah (Ben) Woodside, Melanie (Taylor Mitchell) Worth, Jessica (Enrique Alonso) Worth, James (Charlotte) Worth, Alana Worth and Graham (Jocasta) FitzGerald. Great-grandmother of Hannah, Drew, Madeline, Oliver, Claire, Leo, Nellie, Mateo, Noah, Warren, Scarlett, Mark and Jack. Survived by her sister Doris (Paul ) Williams, sister-in-law Hilda (Garfield) MacKinnon and siblings-in-law Hazel Crosby, Shirley Pollard, Wendell (Heather), Audrey (Eric Ellsworth) Auld, Donna MacDonald, Colin Birt, Lea (Colleen), Mervin (Debbie), Donna (Kent) Gorveatt and Terry (Gayle). Also survived by numerous nieces and nephews.

Predeceased by husband of 61 years Oliver MacDonald, grandson Jeffery MacDonald, parents Gordon and Lulu (Scott) MacKinnon, siblings Warren (Neila), infant Reginald, Thelma (Bill) Singleton, Garfield, and siblings-in-law Paul Williams, Dorothy (Andrew) Crosby, Joyce (Preston) Richards, Borden, Willard, Neil (Gail), Lomer, Sandra Birt, Henry Ferguson, Gerry Auld, Heath Crosby and Alger Pollard.

The family extends their thanks to Queens Home Care and Beach Grove Home for their care and compassion.

Resting at MacLean Funeral Home Swan Chapel from where the service will be held on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. For those wishing to attend virtually, the service will be live-streamed at Interment later in Churchill Cemetery. If so desired, memorial donations may be made to Churchill Cemetery or Queens Palliative Home Care. Visiting hours Wednesday from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Online condolences may be made at

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UPDATE: Club Will Remain Closed This Evening – March 7th

Due to icy conditions the club will remain closed for the rest of the day on Thursday, March 7th so there will be NO Thursday Night Mixed League this evening.

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Club Opening Postponed – March 7th

Due to current and expected road conditions – particularly ice – the club will remained closed for the daytime of Thursday, March 7th with a further announcement made later today about the evening league.

The following events are cancelled: 

  • Daytime drop-in curling
  • Afternoon Stick League makeup games
  • Junior/Member practices


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Founders Award Nominations for Volunteer of the Year are Now Open!

Have you seen someone do an outstanding job volunteering at the Cornwall Curling Club this season? If so, please tell us about it!

The Cornwall Curling Club acknowledges and recognises the immeasurable contributions volunteers make to the Club continually throughout the season. The dedication of our membership is what has been, and continues to be, the driving force behind the success of our Club. Without these volunteers, the Club would not be what it is today.

To recognize the amazing efforts of our members, we were pleased to launch a new award last season – the “Founders Award” for Volunteer of the Year at the Cornwall Curling Club. This award is now presented annually to an outstanding, exceptional and dedicated member of the Cornwall Curling Club at the Annual General Meeting.

The Cornwall Curling Club started because of the dedication and commitment of the founding members who believed in the dream of having a curling club in Cornwall. Today, the success of the club is largely based on the same desires of having a welcoming, reputable, and enjoyable curling club.

Every year, members of the curling club donate their time in many ways and it does not go unnoticed. There is a significant amount of time and effort dedicated to preparing the club for opening, special events, league play, general maintenance and much more! The outstanding and much appreciated efforts of our membership is acknowledged by the Board of Directors by the creation of the Founders Award.

The recipient of this award will receive recognition at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, with presentation of a certificate and plaque.

Members of the Cornwall Curling Club are encouraged to nominate their fellow deserving club mates for the Founders Award!

The nomination criteria include:

  • Must be a Cornwall Curling Club member from the 2023-2024 season, in good standing.
  • No paid employees can be nominated.
  • No Board of Director members can be nominated.

To nominate a fellow member, please send an email or letter to which contains the name of the nominee and a brief description of their contribution to the Cornwall Curling Club. 

The deadline to nominate is Friday, April 19, 2024.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or any other member of the Board of Directors.

Sue Pollard (Volunteer Chair) & the Board of Directors

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REMINDER: ParaSport Minispiel Registration is OPEN

Our ParaSport Minispiel is scheduled for Saturday, March 16th with draws at 2pm and 4pm with a pizza social at 5:30pm.

This event is a partnership between ParaSport and Recreation PEI and our Club, in which para-athletes and Club members team up to play two four-person per team six-end games.

Besides the two games, your $10 entry fee includes a pizza dinner as well, plus a chance to win prizes too! 

There are limited spots available, so signup NOW, in advance of the March 13th deadline to avoid missing out!

Curlers can register for this single-entry mini-spiel at the Club, no up-front fee is required – pay on the day of the event.
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PEI among three finalists for 2026 Scotties event?

PEI among three finalists for 2026 Scotties event?

By Bill McGuire
Public Relations Chair,
Cornwall Curling Club

There are indications that more good news about curling could be coming soon for Prince Edward Island.

The province was just awarded (on Feb. 29) the largest event on the Grand Slam of Curling’s event schedule, coming to UPEI in early October. 

The GSOC’s Hearing Life event will feature 32 men’s and 32 women’s teams from around the world who will compete in two tiers at UPEI’s twin ice surfaces Oct. 1-6, 2024. 

Next season will be a curling bonanza on PEI as Summerside has been recently awarded the Canadian junior curling championships and the national mixed doubles event.

Several speakers during the press conference at Charlottetown City Hall on Feb. 29 hinted there are two more international sports events coming to the capital city, with announcements expected in the coming weeks.

There were hints during the press conference that Charlottetown is in the running for the 2026 Scotties Tournament of Hearts. A source said the PEI capital is among the three finalists being considered for the event in two years time.

Charlottetown last hosted the Scotties in 2011.

Canadian curling legend Jennifer Jones, who has 17 GSOC titles, was in Charlottetown along with her Team Manitoba teammate Lauren Lenentine of Cornwall, to speak in support of the GSOC’s Hearing Life tour event.

Jones dropped hints that Charlottetown is a strong contender for the 2026 Scotties. 

“To experience the Scotties and the atmosphere in the building is just something that you can’t appreciate unless you’re there in person,” said Jones. “You might watch curling on TV, but until you’re actually in the venue, you really can’t appreciate it.”

“Scotties curlers will come to the boards, we’ll sign autographs . . . I’ve signed chests and heads . . .  we’ll sign like everything . . . well not quite everything,” joked Jones.

“But what I would say is that curling is growing and the Scotties final weekend in Calgary was sold out. I had friends and family that couldn’t get tickets and I know that this is going to rock here in Charlottetown.  

“So what I would say is buy your tickets soon. You’re not going to want to miss it. We will not disappoint.”

It was unclear if Jones was referring solely to the GSOC or also adding in the Scotties coming to PEI. But was enough to send more excited ripples through the crowd.

Rob Doherty, who curls out for Cornwall, is now working with Sportsnet and the GSOC tour in communications and public relations. He said he was extra happy to see the GSOC event come to his home province.

“Just selfishly, I have to say how excited I am to say the Grand Slam of Curling is coming to Charlottetown,” Doherty told the crowd at the city hall press conference.

“A lot has gone on behind the scenes. We will be looking for 150 volunteers from the community,” to help with the Hearing Life event which will see more than 256 curlers competing.

He said Early Bird Passes are now on sale at Sponsorship opportunities are also available.

Doherty said the main MacLauchlan arena will hold over 1,500 curling fans for Tier 1 GSOC action in October while the arena next door would seat less than half that number.

Wayne Long, manager of Economic Growth and Attractions for the City of Charlottetown, said when you include coaches, families, visitors, plus Sportsnet production staff and event staff, you can expect a tremendous economic impact for the city and province, estimated at more than $3 million.

Long was in Calgary at the recent Scotties to talk with Jones and Lenentine about coming to Charlottetown in support of the GSOC stop. And perhaps more.

“I had the opportunity to share in some of Jennifer’s final stones at the Scotties and it’s something I’ll cherish for a long time,” said Long.

He said sports tourism is a growing economic booster for the city and province, especially in winter and shoulder seasons.

Long also noted that Canada’s Sport Tourism Congress takes place in a couple of weeks in Winnipeg where Bruce Donaldson, the former coach of the UPEI Panthers women’s hockey team and athletics department volunteer and official, has been named among the top three finalists for Volunteer of the Year in Canada.

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Curling legend Jennifer Jones, Cornwall’s Lauren Lenentine haven’t parted company just yet

Curling legend Jennifer Jones, Cornwall’s Lauren Lenentine haven’t parted company just yet 

By Bill McGuire 
Public Relations Chair, 
Cornwall Curling Club 

The curling world hasn’t seen the last of sports legend Jennifer Jones – not by a long shot. 

Canadian curling legend Jennifer Jones, left, answers a question during a press conference in Charlottetown Thursday. Feb. 29 where it was announced that UPEI will play host to the Hearing Life Tour Challenge, the Grand Slam of Curling’s biggest event of the 2024-25 season, from Oct. 1-6, 2024. Also in photo are event master of ceremonies Robbie Doherty, a member of the Cornwall Curling Club, and Jones’ teammate Lauren Lenentine of Cornwall.

The Manitoba skip announced her retirement from the 4-person game just days before the  start of the recent Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Calgary and twice came within an inch during two playoff games of defeating eventual champion Rachel Homan of Ontario. 

Jones was on PEI, along with teammate Lauren Lenentine, on February 29th in support of the announcement that the largest event on the Grand Slam of Curling’s event schedule is coming to UPEI in early October. 

Cornwall’s Lauren Lenentine speaks during a press conference Thursday (Feb. 29) at Charlottetown City Hall where it was announced that UPEI will play host to the Hearing Life Tour Challenge, the Grand Slam of Curling’s biggest event of the 2024-25 season, from Oct. 1-6, 2024.

Lenentine, of New Dominion, was a long-time member of the Cornwall Curling Club, before moving to Nova Scotia in 2018 to join the Kaitlyn Jones rink, and two seasons later, headed to Winnipeg to play with Mackenzie and Emily Zacharias. She graduates from university in May with a psychology degree. 

The GSOC’s Hearing Life event will feature 32 men’s and 32 women’s teams in two tiers, and takes place at UPEI’s twin ice surfaces Oct. 1-6, 2024. 

“Thank you so much for having me,” said Jones during the press conference at Charlottetown City Hall. 

“I did just announce my retirement a few weeks ago and if you had made this announcement before that, I might have held off because Charlottetown is one of my favourite places in the entire country, in the entire world, to play.” 

Jones won the Hearing Life event in Niagara Falls last fall and said she would have relished the chance to defend her title on PEI. She now lives with husband and fellow curling legend Brent Laing and their two young daughters in Horseshoe Valley, just outside Barrie, Ont. The couple still plans to compete in mixed doubles competition. 

Jones and her lead stone Lenentine played together the past two seasons and reached the Scotties final both times. Their team will compete a final time when the GSOC’s seasonal wrap-up Princess Auto Players’ Championship takes place at the Mattamy Centre in Toronto, April 9-14, shortly after the world women’s championships in Sydney, NS. later this month. 

“I’m hoping to be in Charlottetown in October in some capacity. I think the Lenentines would host me even if I didn’t have an official role, so we’ll see. I’m hoping to be doing some coaching or consulting or something. If I could do anything in the meantime to help promote this event, to help more dreams come true, to help make this so you want to host it every year. I know it’s that special. I’m here for you.  Thank you for believing in curling and for allowing us to shine.” 

Jones said she owes the sport of curling so much. Her career includes six Scotties championships – tied with Nova Scotia’s Colleen Jones for the most titles by a skip – along with two world championships and an Olympic gold medal. 

She is especially proud that curling led the way in the sports world reaching equality with men’s events. For example, on the GSOC tour, women have equal status in terms of purse money, profile and coverage. The Scotties’ popularity rivals or surpasses the men’s Brier, and across Canada and the world, men’s and women’s curling events share the stage equally. 

Jones said the Tier 2 event associated with the GSOC’s Hearing Life event is important in the growth of the game as it allows 32 up-and-coming teams a chance to compete on the world stage. 

Islanders get the chance to see the top 16 men’s and 16 women’s teams in the world — “the best of the best” — but also the rising stars of the sport from around the world as well, said Jones. “It’s the opportunity for these teams to be able to advance to the next level here.” 

“You’re going to be able to see people who have already kind of achieved their goals of reaching the Olympic stage. And you’re also going to see the Kerri Einarson’s and the Cory Dropkin’s who came up through the Tier 2. 

“The energy that you’re going to feel in the (CARI) building is second to none. You’re going to see the best curlers you have ever seen, both on the men’s and women’s side.  The top teams from around the world are going to come and they will love to experience PEI’s famous hospitality,” said Jones. 

“So, we’re going to be dancing and we’re going to be listening to music. We’re going to be shucking oysters and we’re going to be loving everything that Charlottetown (and PEI) has to offer.” 

She said, “My curling career has been more than I could have ever imagined, really. I was a little girl who was very shy to talk to the person next to me, and now I can come and talk to a room full of people because of curling.” 

As much as the players and teammates, Jones says the fans also played a key role in the thrill of competition. “I remember very vividly back in 2011 in Charlottetown . . . the energy in the building.”  

She said the Tour is grateful to PEI for welcoming the Hearing Life. “And I know that the fans are going to come out, and that’s what makes it special to curlers. And I hope that everyone comes over and says hello, because we have never lost our gratitude for you all in this room for believing in curling, to host this event, cheering on everybody, for growing our game, to having it on TV. We’re so grateful for each of you for helping to make our dreams come true. Curling is truly special and unique.” 

Jones said when the season started last fall, she didn’t think it would be her last year.  

“I know that I’m retiring. It makes me sad to say it. I still can’t believe it. So, to be honest, when we lost the Scotties final and the kids came over the boards to give me a hug, my little 7-year-old just kept saying, ‘please change your mind, please change your mind, please change your mind,’ with tears running down her face.” 

Jones said she felt very grateful to play the last two seasons with Lauren from PEI and mate Karlee Burgess from Truro. “And I’ve had just the best time and I’m going to be cheering for them with everything inside of me to continue on the road to great success.” 

Lauren, a two-time Canadian junior champion, added a world junior title in 2020, claimed her first GSOC event title in Niagara Falls last fall. She said the Hearing Life is the first event of the season, so all the players really look forward to coming. “We’re getting back into the pace of things and we’re just so excited to be back on the tour. And we’re doing it in Charlottetown, so this is extra special.” 

Lauren said she remembers the Scotties in Charlottetown 2011 and the players in 2014 in Summerside and those events “really showed me what curling can be. I’m excited for the next generation of island curlers to be able to experience it as well because we don’t get these big curling events. I’m really excited about that.  

“I had great teammates in Cornwall. I played with the same three girls from when I was 9, so being able to share those memories and experiences with them is special. And I think it just really speaks to the growing curling community that we’re so connected, and we support one another.” 

Lenentine was asked what advice she might have for fans coming to the province in October for the GSOC. “You need to see, not just Charlottetown, but the whole island. There’s such great hospitality here. It’s truly special and you can’t really find it anywhere else. It honestly is magic.” 

Jones was asked if she intends to spend more time in the Sportsnet broadcast booth next season after making a number of guest appearances in recent months as a GSOC colour commentator. 

“Honestly, I don’t have plans yet. I really didn’t decide until the Monday before the Scotties to retire and it just finished. I don’t have any plans yet. Going into the broadcast booth is something I’m interested in. I wanted to get through the Scotties and enjoy it, and now I’m going to figure out what I’m going to do in the future. “ 

She didn’t rule out working with the GSOC on PEI. “I love coming here. I love the grand Slams and anything I can do to support it, I’m all in. “ 

Jones said she didn’t need much persuasion to come to Charlottetown Feb. 29 even though it was just four days after the Scotties and two days before the Brier where her husband Brent Laing is coaching Mike McEwen’s Team Saskatchewan. 

“I wanted to come with Lauren. This is really important to me and I think it was great to be able to spend some time with her and her family. 

“I put a lot of thought into retiring and it wasn’t a decision I came to lightly. I just felt it was the right time. Mixed doubles has a little bit more flexible schedule. It was just hard to do both men and women. I didn’t have a weekend off from the end of August until after Christmas, and so it was just a little bit too much.” 

Lauren said she intends to remain in Winnipeg after graduating from university this spring.  “I’m going to be staying.” 

Lenentine, second stone Emily Zacharias and mate Burgess are returning to play together but there has been no decision on a new skip yet. “I think that Jen is really happy taking a step away from curling so I don’t really see her coming back.” 

Lauren said, “It is so much fun to play in the Scotties. It’s what every female curler growing up wants to do. And so to have the opportunity to play in it again, was really incredible. And to reach the final for the second year in a row was unbelievable.” 

“Last year, I think we surprised ourselves a little bit. We knew that we were capable, but it was our first year together. You never really know what’s going to happen. But this year, we felt like we kind of really had a fair shot of going all the way and yeah, an inch here and an inch there, it’s a different result, but we’re still really proud of what happened.” 

Lauren said, “Last year I think I was quite nervous. This year, I barely felt any nerves at all and I think I just knew that what was meant to happen, was going to happen. I knew it was Jen’s last event, so really just soaking in the moment. Whatever happened in the end is going to be.  

“We’re together for one more event in the Players and that’s our last event and then we’ll see what the future holds. I really don’t know what we’re going to do.” 

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Wed. Eve. Ladder League Round 2 wraps up Mar. 6. Four week mini-round to follow

March 6 is the final night for Round 2 of our 18 team Wednesday Evening Ladder League. To accommodate the extra teams this year, we had to increase the length of rounds 1 and 2, which leaves us with four nights – March 13, 20, 27 and April 3rd for Round 3.

There will likely be players off-Island on March 27, during March Break. You need at least three players, at least one of whom is a regular team member, to play a game.

If your team decides NOT to play in Round Three, please let me know at

If you are continuing, but can’t field a team on March 27 (or another night) please let the opposing team know (after the new draw is made up). As always, you have the option to reschedule at a mutually-convenient time, or to forfeit.

Depending on whether there is an even or an odd number of teams continuing, and on whether any teams drop out, there may or may not be byes in Round 3.

Round two curlers are reminded to ensure that the Round 2 results sheet on the draw board is fully completed.

  • Derek MacEwen – Wednesday evening Drawmaster


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PEI Retired Teachers’ Association Bonspiel Draw Posted

The club will be hosting the PEI Retired Teachers’ Association Bonspiel next Tuesday, March 12th. 

Below are the teams and draw schedule:

Downloadable PDF:RTA Teams and Draw revised 2

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Congrats to Cornwall’s U16 teams – including Champions, Team Pater!

Several of Cornwall’s junior curling teams were in action this weekend at the PEI U16 Championships – with Cornwall teams sweeping the top three spots!

The team of Veronica Pater, Kenna Warnell, Sophie Gallant, and Gracie MacIntyre (coached by David Murphy) cruised to the victory Sunday at the Montague Curling Club, maintaining their undefeated record.

The team of Grace Myers, Greta Edgett Gallant, Norah MacKinnon, and Lily Whalley (coached by Darren Gallant), won the silver medals.

Rounding out the podium Kolin Beaton, Owen Milton, Ben Bradley, and Kane MacKinnon (coached by Shaun MacArthur) took home the bronze medals. 

Teams Savill and Landry, also from the club, placed 6th and 7th in the event as well. 

Also presented during the closing ceremonies were the True Sport Award and the Coach Award. 

The True Sport Award is voted on by the curlers and recognizes a curler who brings the True Sport principles to life while competing.  This year U16 True Sport recipient was Greta Edgett Gallant, third for Team Myers.

The Coach Award is voted on by the coaches to recognize a coach who exemplifies the the attributes of coaching.  This year’s U16 Coach Award recipient was David Murphy, coach of Team Pater.

Great job to everyone involved – the future of curling in Cornwall is looking GREAT!

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For Love of Curling Scholarship Fundraiser Funspiel Wrap Up

Sophie Blades – member of Cornwall Curling Club, member of UPEI curling team, and For Love of Curling Scholarship recipient – hosted the For Love of Curling Scholarship Fundraiser Funspiel this weekend at the club and it was a resounding success.

Over $1400 was raised to put back into the scholarship program!

Hans Wicki, Gloria Turner, Bill McGuire, and Derek MacEwen squeaked out a narrow victory over the Cruz Pineau/Schut Brothers team.

There were lots of great curling shots (and if you watched me you saw some bad ones too!), wonderful food, lots of laughs and future generations of Canadian junior curlers will continue to benefit from this wonderful program.

Thanks to everyone who came out to curl, who donated items and who came to purchase items – and GREAT JOB Sophie!!

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Come get baked goods and help junior curlers

Come get baked goods and help junior curlers!

The For Love of Curling Scholarship Fundraiser Funspiel is today and includes a bake sale – and having sampled some of the items I can promise you – you don’t want to miss them!

Swing by and grab some goodies!


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Condolences to the family of Eric LeBlanc

Former club member Eric LeBlanc recently passed away.  The club and our members wish to extend our condolences to his family. 

Eric H. LeBlanc, 90, of Lakeburn, passed away on Friday, February 23, 2024, at The Moncton Hospital. Born in Moncton, he was the son of the late Edouard and Exelda (Cormier) LeBlanc

Prior to his retirement, Eric worked for Veterans Affairs. He enjoyed golfing, spending time in curling rinks, and traveling. He was a member of RCAFA Air Force Wing in Goose Bay, NL,  Charlottetown Wing #201, Royal Canadian Legion, and ROTO Club in PEI.

He is survived by two children: Diane Mortimer (David) of Greater Lakeburn and Denis (Cindy) of North Dakota; one stepson, Gregory Bogle of Albert County; one sister, Donalda Cormier (late Ulysse) of Moncton; two grandchildren: Jessica Mortimer (Marcus Kessler) and Christopher Mortimer (Samantha Cameron) all of Dieppe; three great-grandchildren: Norah, Jack, and Isla, as well as many nieces and nephews.

Besides his parents, he was predeceased by his wife, Ferne LeBlanc; a stepson, Robert Bogle; three sisters: Aurella Landry, Dolores LeBlanc, and infant sister, Aurella LeBlanc; one brother, Donald.

The family will receive condolences at Frenette Funeral and Cremation Centre, 88 Church Street, Moncton (506-858-1900) where the funeral service will be celebrated on Thursday, February 29, at 3 p.m. Visiting hours are Thursday from 1:30 p.m. until the time of the funeral. Interment will be in Our Lady of Calvary cemetery in Dieppe. In memory of Eric, a contribution to the Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation would be greatly appreciated.

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For Love of Curling Scholarship Fundraiser Funspiel Draw Set

The For Love of Curling Scholarship Fundraiser Funspiel draw is set.

Doors will open around 8:15am on Saturday – there will be pizza for lunch, lots of baked goods for sale (you can swing by and get some baked goods Saturday even if you aren’t curling!), a 50/50, and of course lots of fun on and off the ice. 


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Grand Slam of Curling ready to rock province October 1-6 at UPEI

Cornwall’s Lauren Lenentine to play in largest event on GSOC tour

By Bill McGuire
Public Relations Chair
Cornwall Curling Club

The best curlers in the world, including Cornwall’s own Lauren Lenentine, are Prince Edward Island-bound as the Grand Slam of Curling is poised to take over Charlottetown this October.

Cornwall’s Lauren Lenentine speaks during a press conference Thursday (Feb. 29) at Charlottetown City Hall where it was announced that UPEI will play host to the Hearing Life Tour Challenge, the Grand Slam of Curling’s biggest event of the 2024-25 season, from Oct. 1-6, 2024.

The two adjoining ice surfaces at the Bell Aliant Centre on the campus of the University of Prince Edward Island will play host to the Hearing Life Tour Challenge, the Grand Slam of Curling’s biggest event of the 2024-25 season, from Oct. 1-6, 2024.

The 2024 Hearing Life Tour Challenge will feature the top 32 men’s and 32 women’s teams in the world, competing in a two-tier event at Bell Aliant Centre. The field will include Olympic medallists, world champions, and Canadian favourites. This is the first time a Grand Slam of Curling event has been held in Charlottetown, with Summerside having played host to two previous Slam events, the latest in 2014.

It is anticipated that the Cornwall Curling Club, and adjacent clubs like Montague and Crapaud, will assist the huge GSOC event which will attract over 250 top curlers from around the world, by providing their clubs for practice sessions and games.

The announcement was made today (Thursday, Feb. 29) at Charlottetown City Hall by Charlottetown Mayor Philip Brown. Other guests in attendance included Cory Deagle, Minister of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture; legendary curler and Olympic gold medallist Jennifer Jones; and Lenentine.

Canadian curling legend Jennifer Jones, left, answers a question during a press conference in Charlottetown Thursday. Feb. 29 where it was announced that UPEI will play host to the Hearing Life Tour Challenge, the Grand Slam of Curling’s biggest event of the 2024-25 season, from Oct. 1-6, 2024. Also in photo are event master of ceremonies Robbie Doherty, a member of the Cornwall Curling Club, and Jones’ teammate Lauren Lenentine of Cornwall.

Jones and Lenentine are fresh from a silver medal finish last Sunday at the Scotties Tournament of Hearts Canadian women’s curling championships in Calgary.

“Welcoming all of these world-class curlers is an incredible opportunity for us to demonstrate just how well-suited we are to hosting major sporting events,” said Mayor Brown. “We’re excited to welcome athletes and their teams, as well as visitors, to beautiful Charlottetown and we plan to sweep them away with a rocking good time! Attracting events such as the Hearing Life Tour Challenge, the biggest event in the Grand Slam of Curling series, reflects our commitment to strategic economic growth through sport tourism.”

“This is a very exciting announcement for PEI and builds on our reputation as a top destination for high calibre sporting events,” said Minister Deagle. “We are proud to see Charlottetown picked as the host city for the Grand Slam of Curling’s Hearing Life Tour Challenge. Sport tourism is an exciting way to grow PEI as a four-season tourism destination.  And for curling fans, it is thrilling to be able to watch the top curling teams in the world compete.”

More details, including 150 volunteer opportunities, qualified teams, and schedules will be announced later date.

Early bird full tournament passes are now on sale at On sale dates for weekend passes and single draw tickets will be announced in the coming months.

Owned and operated by Sportsnet since 2012, the Grand Slam of Curling is an elite series of men’s and women’s curling events, featuring the best teams from across Canada and around the world. Awarding equal purses to both men’s and women’s teams since 2015, Grand Slam of Curling presents $2.1 million in total prize money each season.

More information about the upcoming Grand Slam season and the Hearing Life Tour Challenge please visit:

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Grand Slam coming to Charlottetown!!!!!!

Charlottetown to host 2024 HearingLife Tour Challenge

The Grand Slam of Curling will be heading to Charlottetown for the first time next season when the Bell Aliant Centre hosts the HearingLife Tour Challenge, Oct. 1-6.

The HearingLife Tour Challenge is the largest event in the series with 32 men’s teams and 32 women’s teams in action. Both divisions are split into two tiers with Tier 1 featuring the top teams from around the world and Tier 2 featuring the next-ranked teams looking to fast-track into the top flight. Winners of the Tier 2 will receive automatic berths into a future Grand Slam of Curling event.

Early bird tournament passes are now available! Visit to purchase your pass today.

Sale dates for weekend passes and single draw tickets will be announced in the coming months.

More details, including volunteer opportunities, qualified teams and schedules will also be announced at a later date.

Team Retornaz (men’s) and Team Jones (women’s) captured the HearingLife Tour Challenge Tier 1 titles this season in Niagara Falls, Ontario, while Team Casper (men’s) and Team Kim (women’s) claimed the Tier 2 titles.


Club members will have opportunities to volunteer – more details available as the event approaches!

Charlottetown to host 2024 HearingLife Tour Challenge

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ParaSport Minispiel Registration is OPEN

Our ParaSport Minispiel is scheduled for Saturday, March 16th with draws at 2pm and 4pm with a pizza social at 5:30pm.

This event is a partnership between ParaSport and Recreation PEI and our Club, in which para-athletes and Club members team up to play two four-person per team six-end games.

Besides the two games, your $10 entry fee includes a pizza dinner as well, plus a chance to win prizes too! 

There are limited spots available, so signup NOW, in advance of the March 13th deadline to avoid missing out!

Curlers can register for this single-entry mini-spiel at the Club, no up-front fee is required – pay on the day of the event.
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Annual Red & Blue Bonspiel Registration is OPEN!

It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start registration for our annual closing event – the Red & Blue Bonspiel!

While sadly it marks the end of our curling season, the event is always a highlight of the calendar with loads of fun curling, eating great food, hanging out with other club members and, of course, the playful but intense competition between the Red and Blue teams!

For those who are new to the club or haven’t participated in the past – each member is assigned to either the Red team or, if you are lucky, you’ll be assigned to the Blue team. 

  • You’ll remain on this team for the rest of your time as a member of the club
  • If you and a family member are playing, we place you on opposing teams to up the ante

We have events throughout the week with our juniors and stick curlers as well – and their points are counted toward the weekend scoring. On Friday and Saturday the games are played with a skins format and each team earns “money” toward their teams account.

The team with the highest scores at the end of the event are crowned the champions and get bragging rights for an entire year!  

In addition to the curling there is a banquet on Saturday, trivia, and prizes for highest scoring teams and random door prizes!

Cost is $40 per curler and registration can be found on the bulletin board at the club.  

If you want to attend the banquet only the cost is $20. 

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Congrats to our Junior Teams!

Team Lenentine and Team MacFadyen brought home the PEI Juniors Championships this weekend at the Montague Curling Club – with Team Dalton placing 2nd in the boys’ division as well!

Team Lenentine is made up of Ella Lenentine, Makiya Noonan, Reid Hart, Erika Pater and coach Robbie Lenentine.

Team MacFadyen is made up of Jack MacFadyen, Keegan Warnell, Luke Butler, Anderson MacDougall and coach David MacFadyen.

Team Dalton is made up of Isaiah Dalton, Connor Bruce, Sheamus Herlihy, Nate MacRae and coach Dennis Watts.

Teams Lenentine and MacFadyen will represent PEI at the 2024 New Holland Canadian Under-21 Curling Championships in Fort McMurray, Alberta from March 24 – 31, 2024.

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Congratulations to Lauren Lenentine and Team Jones on their Scotties Finals Appearance

For the second year in a row our club was so fortunate and proud to have a member of our club participate in the finals of the Scotties.

Lauren Lenentine, lead for Team Jones, played amazing this week in Calgary and we are so proud of her accomplishments and the way she represents the club on curling’s biggest stages!

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REMINDER: Finals Watch Party!!!


Everyone is invited to watch the finals together at the club.  The game starts at 9:00pm but the club will be open if you want to come early. 

Club member, Lauren Lenentine, and her teammates will be in the finals against Team Homan.

Bring some snacks/desserts to share if you want!

The bar will be open and there will be lots of opinions from the crowd on what shot should be taken next.


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Scotties Playoffs on at the Club! Finals Watch Party!!!

The club TV will have all the Scotties Playoff action this weekend!

The club and bar will be open during all playoff games, with the schedule below:

Reminder that club member, Lauren Lenentine’s Team Jones is still alive and playing this afternoon in the Page 1-2 Qualifiers!

Friday, February 23 @ 3:00pm

Page 1-2 Qualifier

• Alberta vs. Manitoba (Jones)
• Ontario (Homan) vs. Canada

Winners advance to the Page 1-2 playoff game. Losers advance to the Page 3-4 qualifiers.

Friday, February 23 @ 9:00pm

Page 3-4 Qualifier

• Page 1-2 qualifier loser vs. Manitoba (Lawes)
• Page 1-2 qualifier loser vs. Manitoba (Cameron)

Winners advance to the Page 3-4 playoff game. Losers are eliminated.

Saturday, February 24 @ 3:00pm

Page 3-4 Playoff

• Teams TBD

Winner advances to the semifinal. Loser is eliminated.

Saturday, February 24 @ 9:00pm

Page 1-2 Playoff

• Teams TBD

Winner advances to the final. Loser advances to the semifinal.

Sunday, February 25 @ 3:00pm


• Teams TBD

Winner advances to the final. Loser is eliminated.

Sunday, February 25 @ 9:00pm


• Teams TBD


Everyone is invited to watch the finals together at the club.  The game starts at 9:00pm but the club will be open if you want to come early. 

Bring some snacks/desserts to share if you want. 

The bar will be open and there will be lots of opinions from the crowd on what shot should be taken next!!


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NOW AVAILABLE – Club Logo Stickers at the Bar!

The club now has 2.5″ stickers in stock with the club logo on them!

One of our junior curlers, Sophie Gallant, and her friend run a small business called Sopley’s Art Market and one of their products is stickers. 

We have purchased a first run of the stickers to gauge their popularity and will be selling them at the bar.  

We currently are stocking 2.5″ stickers – which are the perfect size for broom handles, computers, notebooks, car windows, etc!

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PEI Retired Teachers’ Bonspiel – March 12th

The PEI Retired Teachers’ Association is hosting a Bonspiel at the the club on Tuesday, March 12th.  

You DO NOT have to be a member of the PEI RTA to participate!

Individual sign ups – teams will be made up.

Each team will play two 6-end games with draw times at 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, and 2:00pm.

Entry includes a hot lunch, snacks, trivia and prizes.

Cost is FREE to PEI RTA members, $15 for non-RTA members. 

Sign up at the club on the Club News bulletin board or by emailing the manager. 

Storm date is Thursday, March 14th. 

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Vote for Amanda Bulger in Curling Day in Canada Poll

Cornwall members attending almost any provincial event will have seen Amanda Bulger, who volunteers often as scorekeeper. 

She has entered into a Curling Day in Canada contest and we want to support her. 

While I shared this on our Facebook page over the weekend some people haven’t seen it since it wasn’t on the website. 


From the Curling Day in Canada website: 

I started into curling in my late teens first by watching and than volunteering with different events. When I was younger I didn’t have many friends in school and was very shy. I started curling of and on in my home community in parts of junior and high school in my home community of O’Leary eventually graduating and being home and always wanted to watch events. Few years after graduating moved to Summerside and didn’t curl first year but that first year I was around the club and the club had a couple national events that year and meant some great friends still today friends with. Next year starting curling and at one of the events was asked if I be interested in doing some livescoring for some events and this is where things started getting busy and loved doing it. From provincials to some national events cashspiels I would spend my free time going throughout province helping out even some outside PEI and still do it and loving and it’s brought to different events in the maritime and country with some help to watch. Sovereign meeting some many people I have been more confident and willing to help out wherever. Even though not curling more due to be busy with a job that many have helped me get took me awhile b3cause of some learning issues and being busy scoring and watching. Love the game and will continue to help out and go watch wherever. Thanks. Amanda Bulger Summerside, Prince Edward Island

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