Teams/colours and weekend update for Countryview Closing Spiel

Here are the team allocations for the Countryview Golf Closing Bonspiel. Draw will follow later.
Also, here is an update on the itinerary
Friday night –  DJ Scotty Jeffrey will be spinning summer tunes, and we are having a taco bar
Saturday – lunch on the barbecue
Live entertainment for the afternoon
Dinner for all and prizes (for the winning color)

Here are the teams:
A Davies, H LaPalme, D. Delaney, G. Younker
P. Neima, Y Soltermann, V. Cotton, K Affleck
R. Young,  A. McCormick, M Hanus, M Matthews
B. Fowler, J. Farquharson, C Peters, P Ling
L Callbeck, G Peters, G Dykerman, K Pippy
K Blanchard, J Ballem, T Wiseman, J Anderson
P Richard, L Gotell, R Baillie, T Turnbull
V Chowan, B MacWilliams, D Sigsworth, D Graham
D Rhodenhizer, A Acorn, J Clements, D MacKinnon
T Dunn, F Weiler, R Shreenan, K Kneabone
R Sweetapple, C Nicholson, H Verhulp, L Matthews
G Groves, B Brown, D Kneabone, V Taylor
L Davies, J Hanus, K Currie, S Boutillier
G Matthews, V Acorn,  S Jeffrey, G Clarke
M MacDonald, H Kamphius, C Soltermann, K McCaffrey
J Deluca, T MacDonald, D MacRae, B Arsenault
R Rolfe, M Beck, M Ellis, D MacEwen
M Sanderson, M Perry, G Canfield, S Williamson

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