Here are the team allocations for the Countryview Golf Closing Bonspiel. Draw will follow later.
Also, here is an update on the itinerary
Friday night – DJ Scotty Jeffrey will be spinning summer tunes, and we are having a taco bar
Saturday – lunch on the barbecue
Live entertainment for the afternoon
Dinner for all and prizes (for the winning color)
Here are the teams:
A Davies, H LaPalme, D. Delaney, G. Younker
P. Neima, Y Soltermann, V. Cotton, K Affleck
R. Young, A. McCormick, M Hanus, M Matthews
B. Fowler, J. Farquharson, C Peters, P Ling
L Callbeck, G Peters, G Dykerman, K Pippy
K Blanchard, J Ballem, T Wiseman, J Anderson
P Richard, L Gotell, R Baillie, T Turnbull
V Chowan, B MacWilliams, D Sigsworth, D Graham
D Rhodenhizer, A Acorn, J Clements, D MacKinnon
T Dunn, F Weiler, R Shreenan, K Kneabone
R Sweetapple, C Nicholson, H Verhulp, L Matthews
G Groves, B Brown, D Kneabone, V Taylor
L Davies, J Hanus, K Currie, S Boutillier
G Matthews, V Acorn, S Jeffrey, G Clarke
M MacDonald, H Kamphius, C Soltermann, K McCaffrey
J Deluca, T MacDonald, D MacRae, B Arsenault
R Rolfe, M Beck, M Ellis, D MacEwen
M Sanderson, M Perry, G Canfield, S Williamson