Adam McQuaid Stanley Cup Festival today in Cornwall

As I am sure everyone knows, Adam McQuaid is bringing the Stanley Cup to Cornwall, PEI today (Sunday, August 28th). The details for the event are outlined below:



The Parade route will begin at the Cornwall Esso on the Trans Canada Highway (TCH) at 1:00 PM, travel east to the traffic lights at the corner of the TCH and John Street, south on John Street and then East on Lowther Drive to the Town of Cornwall/APM Centre which will be the site of most of the planned festivities. Approximately one hour has been scheduled for the parade. Adam McQuaid and the Stanley Cup will then be on to the Town of Cornwall/APM site for approximately two hours from 2:00-4:00 PM.



The other main public function could best be described as a Community Celebration where people will have the opportunity to pay tribute to Adam and the Stanley Cup. There will be games and activities on site for families to enjoy the experience and there will be entertainment on the special stage that will be set up. Kickin Country will play, along with Jacqueline & Alexia McQuaid, and a special band featuring lead singer Liam Corcoran of Two Hours Traffic will also be entertaining the guests on site.

A  number of lucky fans will be selected to have their family photo taken with Adam and the Stanley Cup. In the past, for an event of this nature, people had to decide whether to attend the parade, or to wait in a long lineup for a chance to possibly see the Cup. Organizers didn’t want people to have to do this…they want people to experience the whole event..With Adam’s Stanley Cup Festival, fans will have the chance to watch the parade and attend the community celebration, and some lucky fans will get their chance to meet Adam on stage and get their photo taken with Adam and the Cup!



After enjoying the Parade, fans are invited to attend the Stanley Cup Festival activities that will be taking place on the grounds of the Town of Cornwall/APM Centre. Each and every fan who attends the festival will be given a ballot for a chance to have their photo taken with Adam and the Stanley Cup. Upon arriving at the Town of Cornwall/APM Centre Grounds, fans will be able to visit one of two tent ballot stations to get their ballots. These tents will be prominently located on site. Winners will be announced throughout the day at the event for this truly unique opportunity! Between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM, they will coordinate as many photos as possible throughout the day! At the very end of the day, as a very special opportunity, fans will have the chance to win one of 54 special Adam McQuaid autographed t-shirts which will be drawn very close to 4:00 PM.



Road Closures/Detours will be in place on the Trans Canada Highway (TCH) from 11:00 AM thru 3:00 PM to accommodate the Parade and to ensure the safety of visitors to the festival. One Traffic detour will be at the North River Rink and TCH (North on Warren Grove/Cornwall Road, South on York Point/Ferry Road) and another detour at the TCH/Ferry Road. Vehicle traffic will be restricted on some streets commencing at approximately 10:00 AM.



The Parking Plan is to utilize two farm fields, both adjacent to the Trans Canada Highway (TCH), on both the east and west sides of the Community.

Both fields are approximately two Kilometres from the APM Centre. The East Field is located on the North side of the TCH across from the Dutch Inn. The West Field is located on the North side of the TCH across the road from the Terry Fox Complex.


Buses will be utilized to transport patrons to/from the APM site. Busing will commence at 9:00 AM making round trips until approximately ten minutes before the Parade is scheduled to commence at 1:00 PM. Buses will be available at APM throughout the event to transport early departees back to either the East or West Parking Lots. All buses will be available after 3:30 PM. Each bus will be identified as traveling to either the East or West parking lots.



Vehicles carrying handicapped persons will be allowed to follow the bus routes into the APM site, drop off their passengers and then park in a designated area.



Due to the expected large crowd and the increase in vehicle traffic attending this event, the Police and Highway Safety will be enforcing the parking regulations and/or having vehicles towed that are either parking in prohibited areas, are hindering/obstructing traffic or are a Public Safety concern. It is strongly recommended that the Public utilize the Parking fields and bus services provided by the Organizing Committee.


No Parking Signs will be installed prior to Saturday the 27th on:

A. On TCH and York Pt Rd near Flea market

B. On TCH both sides between Lorrie Drive and Ferry Rd

C. At both entrances to Parking lots (100m each way)

D. On Cornwall Rd both sides from TCH to Centennial

E. On Lowther Drive both sides from John St to APM back entrance

F. On Ferry Road both sides from TCH to beyond Community Centre

Event Benefactors

Adam also understands that it is extremely important to give back to the community of Prince Edward Island. For this very special event, Adam has selected a few charities and non-profit groups that will benefit from this event.


  • Special souvenir t-shirts will be available on site with all proceeds going to the KidSport Fund of PEI. These t-shirts will be available at Mark’s Work Wearhouse starting on Monday, August 22.
  • A raffle will be taking place for some Adam McQuaid memorabilia with all proceeds going to Children’s Wish Foundation of PEI.
  • North River Minor Hockey Association will be selling pop and water on site in support of their minor hockey programs.
  • St. Francis of Assisi Church will be providing some fantastic food options on site in support of Mikinduri Children of Hope.
  • A 50-50 draw will be held on site in support of the Breakfast Programs at Westwood Primary, Eliot River and East Wiltshire Schools.


People are reminded that there is no charge to attend the event. For the latest info, check out the Facebook page  by searching Adam McQuaid Stanley Cup Festival.

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