ParaSport-Cornwall Curling Club Mini Spiel makes donation to the Red Cross

During our 2nd Annual ParaSport PEI-Cornwall Curling Club Mini-Spiel on March 5th , our Club along with ParaSport PEI, arranged an impromptu fundraiser to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross’ efforts to support the crisis and the people of the Ukraine.

We are very proud to say that this fundraiser allowed for a $200.00 donation to the Red Cross, which will be matched by the Federal Government of Canada, making the total donation $400.00.

While this donation may seem modest in nature compared to the assessment of need and support that the people of the Ukraine need right now…we hope that our little event of 32 wonderfully caring and thoughtful people will know that their generosity will make the difference in a moment ….for one or for many… Ukraine’s.

We have to express a very special thank you to Club and Board of Director Member Bill McGuire…
Our original profit would have been $100.00 for our fundraiser , but Bill won the cash prize of $100.00 and without hesitation donated it back to be added to our Red Cross donation.

Thank you to the Cornwall Curling Club Members and ParaAthletes who generously donated.

#Community #PEI #GivingHandsCaringHearts #SendingLoveandHope


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