Spot available for Cornwall age 60+ male curlers in NS Masters bonspiel

CFB Halifax have sent word that one of their out of town teams is unable to participate in their Masters bonspiel,  and they have a slot open and would like to extend an invitation to Cornwall to put in a team.
Some History-  for the past 23 years their club has been hosting an annual masters tournament which takes place during March Break. Last season, their 23rd Masters had to be postponed due to nasty weather conditions, and it is now taking place November 4 and 5, 2015.
The tournament includes 12 local and 12 out of town teams for a total of 24 teams.  All Male, sticks allowed, and must be masters age (60+).
Cost is 140.00 per team and includes lunch. 4 draws (2 each day), Six end games at 0830/1030/1230/ and 230.
Points-based. 1st day play in own division/2nd day (high points vs high points)….prizes for top 3 teams, and everyone’s name goes in a hat for individual prizes drawn thoroughout the two days.
Cornwall’s first game would be on ice at 1030am on Nov. 4. Register by 10 am.
For more info,, contact Paul Embrett at 902 463-1443 or, or see Edgar Coffin at our Club.
Post last modified: Oct 9, 2015 @ 12:35 pm

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