Thanks to sponsor High Tide Coffee!

We had a friendly visitor who dropped off an extra special treat for our Thursday Evening Mixed League Round Two Winners… Four bags of High Tide Medium Roast Coffee, PLUS four gift certificates for another bag each!!!

A big thank you to High Tide Coffee for sponsoring the second round of the Thursday Night League….your coffee is absolutely off the charts delicious and we are so very proud that you are an Island-owned company! You can find High Tide Coffee around the Province at your favourite store!
Head on over to their Facebook page to check them out!

Congratulations once again to Team Brent Irving, Angela Sanderson, Jill Edwards, and Kathryn Roberts!! Rumour has it that is was a really close race with Team Rob Gallant, including John Clark, Anne Partridge, and Kim Muise, not far behind!

Our Cornwall Curling Club Thursday Evening Mixed League is a single entry league that matches new curlers with more experienced curlers and is so super fun!!

Thinking about taking up curling in the 2022-23 season… this is the league for you!
Call the club for all the details!

#WinnerWinnerCoffee…LOVER   #HighTideCoffee #CurlingClubLife  #Community  #PEI

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