Friday Night League wraps up their fun season!

Well we have been super busy this last week or so ~ and we have some catching up to do in terms of updating you on all the 2021-22 club action!

Good thing this group is so laid back…
It’s our Friday Night Fun League!!!
And what a time that Friday Nights were!

A total blast.
We often heard from curlers in this league share what a great time they were having during our fun league…. the clubhouse was always filled with laughter and smiles.
There is just something about Fridays.

This curling night so unique… from talented Provincial Champions like Aleya and Tyler, to those newer to curling like Kara and Larissa, to those returning to the game… like Ryan and his crew!

A little bit of everything and everyone … and here’s the thing:
It’s about good times, camaraderie , a need to end the week (or start the weekend!) with some exercise, curling, and maybe a social…

Some of our curlers would come curl, then head out for a late dinner, or have an early dinner and finish the evening off with some curling…Best weekend vibes.

This league curls six ends, they do not keep track of scores, wins or losses. You can join as a single and get matched up, join as a twosome and get matched up, or join as a team.

This Friday Night Fun League would not be possible without our laid back and awesome DrawMaster, Mr.Phillip McInnis! Phillip is dedicated to welcoming all sorts of curlers to this league and focused on keeping it fun!

Philip is leading this league in the best direction~ as it  has increased from one draw time last year, to two draw times this year!

Oh … and he can bake too…last week Phillip bought some delicious cheesecake to share with everyone to celebrate the end of the season!
I mean…

Since this league does not do any tracking, we knew that we would have to do a random draw for some very generous gift certificates that our good friend Carl and his team at New Glasgow Lobster Suppers donated to the club for league prizing !

So congratulations to Brodie , Deniece, and Richard! You have a gift certificate at the club to pick up for New Glasgow Lobster Suppers! Thank you Carl … you are such a community minded business and good friend to our club.
You can check out New Glasgow Lobster Suppers here:

Thank to all who participated in this league next year….
Until the next Friday… Be safe and have a great summer!

#FridayNightFunLeague #CurlingClubLife #Community  #PEI  #welcome Curling Canada PEI Curling News Sport PEI Town of Cornwall PEI 

Post last modified: Apr 25, 2022 @ 7:57 pm

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