Spares lists now available on our league bulletin boards

The evening spare lists are now posted on each evening league bulletin board. These lists are inclusive of all leagues, so curlers should find the night they are looking for a spare and scan down that to find the person who has indicated “yes” in the corresponding evening league column.
We recommend that curlers take a photo of the spare list and keep it in their phone as an easy resource. Curlers can also contact the Club Manager and we can email the spare list.

Please note the following standard spare procedure:

*Curlers are responsible to find their league spares using the bye teams, spare list, and fellow curlers as resources. (If you have a bye in your league, members who have the bye for the evening you need a spare should be contacted first and asked to spare.)
*If the curler cannot find a spare they should contact their skip.
* If the Skip cannot find a spare they should contact the club. 
* Some Draw Masters are willing to help seek spares. If your Draw Master is willing to do so, please check with him/her/them AFTER you and your Skip have tried to find a spare.
* If all of those options do not work you can contact the Club Manager to see if the club can help find a spare.
There is still room to sign up to spare… Please sign up on one of the sheets to sign up and the Club Manager will re-visit the lists and update them often.
Happy Curling!
Post last modified: Nov 8, 2021 @ 8:21 pm

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